OH, no no no! I got those analogies at church (which is slightly more understandable but still fucked up). If they were at my school, my dad would have blown a gasket.
OH, no no no! I got those analogies at church (which is slightly more understandable but still fucked up). If they were at my school, my dad would have blown a gasket.
My college campus has a whole HOST of wild bunnies that run around. The best time is during spring semester when the babies start coming out to play because they don't quite know to be scared of humans yet so they'll let you get really close before running away.
Hm, not really no. It's all "no sex or you'll be empty/used/dirty/worthless" - but cutesied up.
Right?! My actual thought process during this whole thing was "Hm, gummy bears are delicious. I want all the white gummy bears. Or a Jamba Juice white gummy bear smoothie. THIS IS BULLSHIT, what am I doing here?"
That's awesome. I kinda wish I had your metaphorical balls.
Oh, seriously. I was at church both times, so I guess it's to be expected I'd get those talks. It's a whole other thing that you were at school. I'd be horrified enough if my future daughter/son got this bullshit in a private area, but in a school where they should be learning scientific fact? Unacceptable. (Not even…
Gasp. SQUEE at his happy face! And yours! Oh my glob, this is adorable.
I didn't get the chewed gum analogy. I got a laminated paper heart. "Every time you have sex, you give a little bit of your heart away." Out came the scissors and snip, a piece of the heart. Snip. Snip. Snip. "Until all that's left is a jagged, ruined piece. What if your husband saved his whole heart for you? And…
You know, running around a college campus wearing a cape and drinking boxed wine sounds really really fun right now.
I know! It had me chuckling at my desk. Such perfect imagery!
Or how people still listen to and trust that walking pus-bubble Rush Limbaugh? It's a mystery.
Oh, I totally agree! Um...how do we do this? Can someone maybe post something to Groupthink as a "JEZZIE MEET-UP" and people can post where they are respectively and figure things out that way? (Although...how does one get authorized to post on Groupthink? How does one even see Groupthink? I've just gotten really…
Aww, from what I've seen: you ARE awesome.
Someone posted an article on my old office's fridge that talked about this phenomenon. Apparently, it happens more often than you'd think. In the article, it's because the office fridge is communal and nobody is there to really witness your actions, people think they can get off scot-free with unacceptable behaviors…
I was "aww"ing my way through those "positive reaction" tweets - then I got to NPH's "Thanks for stepping up. For standing tall. And at 7 feet, that's saying a lot" and laughed.
For some reason, I read your comment in David Tennant's Doctor voice. I clicked on it to say as much...and saw the picture you included.
Exactly my confusion with the whole separate blog stuff. And, see, you could just start writing on your blog but it would be hard for people to find unless they followed you (I think, I'm no Kinja wizard). There isn't a crafty/cooking/DIY equivalent for The Powder Room - unless there is, in which case, it's a…
I agree so hard with everything you've written here.
I fucking love that phrase: "anal wart of spitefulness."
I was just coming here to say: Chris Pine is a man I find exponentially hotter with scruff - be it five o'clock shadow or a bit longer.