question: was he wearing an auto trader cap?
question: was he wearing an auto trader cap?
this was a great moment, sure, but the bat flip was a 7/10.
(that was a pop out)
so tired of this.
about this all bass death metal band...
how is this not a crime? it’s disclosing medical information about another.
if it were my kid, I would. I would have eagled eyed the older one the whole way (he once dropped a ball on the field visible, but unretrievable. he was 7. he should be able to hold a ball).
oh man, I liked her interview on turned out a punk, but now after the poemon reference, I think she may have more in common with my 9 year old than me.
not hammering Sanders on UHC is OK. Especially now that the race is pretty much over. she can let him rail, and ask for his support in the general
i would be nice and respectful, but apparantly I have been terminated from commenting at jezebel. I don’t know why either.
whether of not he killed them is a different question than “was he not guilty.”
no, it was when she had some sort of head injury and needed special glasses. It was the subject of lots of right wing speculation
i have never seen anyone get a certificate or any recognition for being at a state or county job for any round number years
i worked in government for 10 years and saw none of that. just hard working people. SO we’re even?
One key example is the ability to actually fire employees quicker than now.
wasn’t he part of the lakers3 peat(tm)?
side step at and hit a 34 footer?
you know that’s just spanish from grandma, yeah? its not an honorarium bestowed after years of study.
no he’s not. he is saying he will not take less money that he is worth on the open market. He is about to get his last contract. AND he massively out performed his last contract, so the jays can’t complain