
only feel bad for him if the jays are the only team in MLB (they aren’t).

ours too.

oh, i thought you meant pens with different colors

i wish I could star this more

i know its a gag, but budget airline crews have been doing this for years

i saw larry mccormick at a liquor store on...Sunset? whatever right around the corner from KTLA. he had obviously come from the show as he still had a lot of bright orange make up on, told my friend and I that the news was now over as he picked up 2 medium shelf fifths of vodka and...something else, its been years.

but are you old enough to remember connie chung on channel 2?

you are ignoring your own point. they are more similar than different.

since when is Kansas in St. Louis?

why can’t they be snarky? Sanders is too? its how its done. accept it.

you can italicize the name but not capitalize it or use the correct set of letters?

further, why is it sad that the dnc and clinton are interchangeable?


no big deal. i wish i could take back a few things. mine was just a little joke

Bernie campaign: we want to have a debate in New York where it can only harm you, but not in New Hampshire where it can only harm me.”

not going to disagree, campos et al should have raised a stink, but ultimately it wasn’t going anywhere with the board the way it was.

( i think he edited it after I replied. originally I read something like “to let others bask in how stupid you are)

the majority of the supes at the time of the deal were pro mayor (who was appointed Mayor by a brown lackey (newsom). the board of supervisors (many appointees and brown lackeys also) has now flipped to majority progressive and is now trying to find a work around.

i couldn’t run my normal route on saturday because the Department of Homeland Security Theater was took over a waterfront park for a “COMMAND CENTER”

Ed Lee.