
I posit that this is one of the times where baseball is good. Him getting thrown at his next AB for showboating will be the opposite.

You do know sanctuary cities were started at police dept.’s behest so they could serve the public better (witnesses, victims, etc). Being undocumented is a civil violation, not a criminal one.

Re-read the fucking story, you idiot, before asking a stupid question.

Pretty sure undocumented or brown people not using the courts is a feature not a bug to Trumpers. Keeps em scared and court costs down.

Mazel Tov! This is the most heartless shit I’ve had the displeasure of reading in a while...

Yes, you fucking jackass. That’s EXACTLY what I’m saying.

This administration is a full scale disaster and they have yet to face a real crisis. To defeat his re election we must get more people to the polls! Fuck his supporters, we must get new voters to the polls and assist organizations fighting voter suppression.


Holy shit. First Yemen...

“A budget that puts #AmericaFirst must make safety its no. 1 priority—without safety there can be no prosperity”

Tanks, Obama.

Kurt only burns crosses on people’s lawns to honor his father’s struggles against psoriasis.

If yer daddy was a member of a Nazi-affiliated group and yer affiliated with an antisemitic political party and ya wear that Nazi group’s medal on television and sign yer name in tribute to a Nazi group and that Nazi group sez yer a member and when yer asked whether yer a member of a Nazi group ya just say “No

For a long time now there’s been two phrases that run through my head at least once per day when reading news about this clusterfuck of an administration. “What the actual fuck?!?” and “What the fuck is wrong with you people?!?”. Sigh. Everything is horrible.

When I saw the tied up woman I assumed it was Baylor.

That’s a lot of effort to tell everyone you’re going to go 8-5 and then lose in the Del Boca Vista Phase II Bowl

One time, a friend signed up for Obamacare, and the next day he was attacked by a tiger!

Most of the people complaining about the change in their coverage after ACA live in states that deliberately rejected the creation of state insurance pools and the federal money that came with it.

Beyond everything else: the constant terror, the unending rage, the malice, etc. I can not get past the fucking incompetence. It’s all amateur hour and no one seems to care. And it’s everything, lack of copy-editors, lack of social norms, lack of a goddamn TAILOR for a bunch of “billionaires.” They held meetings for