The Wii U had it’s issues (price, marketing, 3rd party support) but it also had an absolute banger list of high quality exclusives.
The Wii U had it’s issues (price, marketing, 3rd party support) but it also had an absolute banger list of high quality exclusives.
I’m sure you’re as aware of this as I am, but for anybody else who might not be aware: the folks saying that their shitty views deserve to be respected don’t actually care about tolerance. They’re just using the language of tolerance to try and defend being bigots.
... I’m trying to figure out what it takes to be this deeply, aggressively confident in your own wrongness. The draft, and all news reporting about it, prominently discusses the “states rights” argument at its core.
Man, I thought that style looked familiar. Makes me so nostalgic, loved the Gran and ND Stevenson era of long-form webcomics and so pumped they’re continuing to put out great work.
I see the headline and get excited. I read the pull quote and I just ...
Please do not force someone to be with you - it’s NEVER worth it.
Even if hes 19, he is still a kid in my mind. So I hope this banning makes him realize his actions have consequences. My hope is he just said these things because he was trying to be cool and edgy for his channel and doesn’t actual belief this shit. Although the whole “Is a female talking to me” gave me real gross…
“is just making me feel icky.”
“this makes me feel icky”
seriously, i wish i could just hide that shitheads face for life
motherfucker.. you can’t go anywhere without a fucking keemstar clip showing up?
Oooh the JFK Inspiration MOON Speech! Makes me want to kool aid it through a poorly built 1/4inch sheetrock wall when I hear it!
Property for tax purposes is basically never just an object regardless of how you use it. Residency has dick to do with it. If I build a building, a structure, on a plot of land, I pay property tax on it whether I live there, put a store in it, or leave it empty. Property in this case generally refers to real estate.…
I knew you were Terrence Malick
Sorry, the local coast guard office then.
Are we really picking on fan translators now? Are we throwing a tantrum because they aren’t working on this one specific thing when these are just passion projects with relatively little budget? Remember empathy, people.
I’ll take any Tokimeki over no Tokimeki, and it’s unfair to be picky over something we’re receiving…
What a terrible day to be able to read
I was trying to think of something gross that my girlfriend (lived together five years) does and I’ve got nothing. Which made me realize that I’m the gross one.