
Hey dumbass... humans will always glorify violence, shits awesome but guess what now we can shoot people in the head and it have 0 repercussions in a game instead of actually doing it. humans are fuckin evil so we gonna do evil shit you can try to place the blame on games and movies or whatver else your hipster ass

What an odd move. For me, the cooperative story missions were the best part, and the competitive multiplayer was eh. At least the folks who play competitively will have some new pals.

To me it’s the UI that puts me off most from getting into this game. Especially the text pop-ups at the top of the screen, the fonts used, and the nameplates. All seem to be directly inspired by pre-WoW MMOs and built for 720p displays with colossal fat colourful block text.

Jesus, aren’t you the biggest dipshit on kotaku.

For those who can’t read between the lines, he’s insinuating I’m gay, and further, that being gay is bad.

Here is the tweet that Kirk had to delay recording to send out:

I would argue that the design of the PS4 trigger buttons demands that nothing be mapped to them that could be detrimental to gameplay. Do you have any idea how many times I’ve cursed Sony for not having a bluetooth remote because I set the controller down and it rewinded movies (or fast forwarded)?

It says in the article you can’t remap the controls. His point is just that it’s a weird place to put a map command, I don’t know why you’re so hostile

R U BEING SRYOUS RITE NA0?????????????????????

Literally my first thought reading that line. Fucking PS4 controllers were made for trump fingers or something.

Yes, that was (FromSoft’s) fault. It’s a stupid button to assign for attack when it consistently gets pressed when you put down a controller and you can’t pause the game.

FYI, I like that the PS4 now has the Accessibility settings that you can reassign buttons with, and toggle on/off easily in the system menu. Very

Better idea. Don't set the controller down...ever.

Hey, misplaced aggression that would just come off as irritating in any place but the internet!

Well, THAT GUY showed up already.

Oi. It those shotty triggers.

Look! There goes the point!

You know.....I’ve always been so fucking terrified that would happen that my paranoia has never let it. Did you just hulk rage the first time it happened? I might have hulk raged.

That’s not really my point. My point is that L2 is a weird and offputting place to put the map command.

Dumb to blame them for the l2 button being pressed when you sit the controller down, wanna know how many times I killed the fire keeper in dark souls when I sat the controller down? Is that also square’s fault?

Yes but they will be broken.