
Hey dumbass... humans will always glorify violence, shits awesome but guess what now we can shoot people in the head and it have 0 repercussions in a game instead of actually doing it. humans are fuckin evil so we gonna do evil shit you can try to place the blame on games and movies or whatver else your hipster ass

I’m an alpha got plenty of vids of me playing it yea sometimes it’s laggy but o well no there’s no game like it so it gets a pass

I used to hate Pewdiepie idk why guess I felt like he just for 12 year olds but lately I have been watching his vids and they are great just has my sense of humour I guess. I watch that video and found it funny as fuck and i didnt feel like it was mean spirited maybe a little far but I honestly don’t understand why he

“ he insisted that he didn’t intend his ongoing nazi references to support anti-semitism.”


Quit being a little bitch lol.

Just kotaku?

Your the kind of person a troll like me looks up to.

i think the joke was your head is in your ass not that your gay. Don’t assume I assume gender “bro” that’s fucked.

Do you “lube” your “ass” before “you” shove your head up there or you get your “boyfriend” to spit on it?

I'm Flattered your taking time out of you day to talk to me though we should get together sometime,maybe go out for some tea.

If your having trouble understanding my argument here’s the jist of it..........quit being a bitch :).

I'm gonna fuckin kill you...there I sent you a death make you upset or you gonna ignore it and go about your day because you realize some stupid comment from some fuckface on the Internet is not gonna effect you in anyway cause your a fuctionimg adult......gtfo out of here with that pussy shit.

Ugh this kinda suxs was looking forward to mods, I wonder why sony decided against it.

That last just like your opinion man.

its amazing what you can do with technology :)

Well my fire keeper is dead so I can’t lvl up so I’m pretty peeved. Who else Better to blame then Jason?

Sorry I missed your “point”. You can just remap controls if it happens to bother you.

Dumb to blame them for the l2 button being pressed when you sit the controller down, wanna know how many times I killed the fire keeper in dark souls when I sat the controller down? Is that also square’s fault?