
"These men are losers." Douglas blithely commented on his favorite sports blog.

Like most champion athletes, the world's elite RPS players don't have sex ever before competitions.

I'm putting all the negative things behind me moving on to the next level.

Pot dramas are the best kinds of dramas because they usually end with someone being called black and someone else being lambasted for their racism on Twitter.

It's certainly a rude introduction to the professional world for Henderson. In college, that flunking would have been a B-.

How much does Wes Welker love horses? Well, lemme tell you: Wes Welker loves horses so much, he literally spends every minute of his day with po' knees.

"Mr. Welker! Mr. Welker! Can I have one?!"

It's like they always say: if you mess with the bull you're going to get the scorn of dozens on Fittish.

Because so much is riding on your tires.

I don't think you get the joke; his Twitter handle is Teflon_Don9 and the number nine looks like the letter "G," and the word "dong" is a slang term for the male penis, and therefore he is asserting that nothing will stick to his human penis.

Dammit, Kyle, what the hell. Totally uncalled for, and not even remotely funny. Would it kill you to put a NSFW tag at the top?

Ahem, Otto's contest percentage is a stunning 92%. Whatsat? DON'T TELL ME ABOUT SAMPLE SIZE LALALALALALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU

I'd hardly call what you did "reading."

You'd reckon that a President born in the distance running hotbed that is Kenya would put a greater emphasis on some longer runs.

When asked for comment, Blatterfein said that he wasn't going to let New Brunswick BOWL him over, that he hoped this would STRIKE at the local bureaucracy, and that he once got his DICK stuck in the thumb hole of a 14-pounder.

[walks into Buck Foston's]


Please reframe from commenting.

That's irregardless, you moran.

Malaprops for sharing this, Barry.