
I’m sorry, but what does this even mean? It would somehow make it significantly better if he didn’t kill a woman? So if he had just 3 dudes on his list “well at least he didn’t target any women”?

Why the FUCK wouldn’t you count Christina Aguilera and Cameron Diaz as Latina?

Girlfriend gonna get her some Kardashian money.

Yeah, I raised an eyebrow at that too. Of the six covers this year, 3 feature black women. So, 50% representation for black women, who do not make up 50% of the female population. So that is in fact trailblazing, since it’s the opposite of what usually occurs. It’s actually an OVER-representation of black women. And a

I want to know what any one of these fucking lunatics would have done if it was their child in the gorilla enclosure. I truly am devastated that the he had to be killed. It’s awful. But between that and a child being ripped to shreds while dozens of people looked on, I’m going with shoot the gorilla.

Star Lord

I’m not seeing where the author made any overt or veiled statements that could be construed as “look at what the brown people are doing”.

I don’t get the issue here. Are we supposed to ignore the mass consumption of an endangered species because they happen to consume it in a certain part of the world?

I think you are giving John way too much credit and not nearly enough to Dorinda. For starters, he was and remains successful in his own right and they were dating before she got onto a show. As far as “isolating” her, I think there’s a reason why, all of a sudden, he’s an issue for her friends and the cameras just

I thought the whole thing with them just playing the audio of the conversation was because Rey wouldn’t sign a release to be shown on camera, but then later when he did show up in his totally not gay nor wasted glory, I was very confused about the whole business and about why LuAnn practically sprinted away from him.

Apparently, you and I watched very different episodes of RHONY last night.

9 times out of 10, I’d agree with you that John instigates the arguments but last night, that was all Ramona. John had every right to want to kick Rey out of his party. Rey was drunk, creepy, making a scene and had already run off an alleged friend of Ramona’s with his creepy behavior. Dorinda was right that John’s

I work as a social media manager and just spent 2 hours of my life talking to the manager of an Instagram influencer about a post. The issue was that the guy wanted 5k more to have the product (a chocolate bar) in his mouth instead of his hands. This is what my life is.

Today I am dismissing my lawsuit against Whole Foods Market. The company did nothing wrong. I was wrong to pursue this matter and use the media to perpetuate this story. I want to apologize to Whole Foods and its team members for questioning the company’s commitment to its values, and especially the bakery associate

I thought the sweater thing was actually making fun of their viewers who were having a tizzy. The message seemed to be, “what, viewers, do you want her wearing a grey bag over her beautiful dress?”
There’s another clip where she wears a dress that blends in with the background, and the bluescreen starts showing up on

Someone put “Hipster”
I did not realize this was an occupation

Paris Hilton is a modern day-Marilyn Monroe

Having worked pretty extensively with celeb handler types in the past, I wouldn’t be shocked to learned this was their zealousness rather than Prince’s (or the zealousness of the New Girl people obsessed with keeping him happy after taking an off-handed remark too seriously, because it goes the other way, too). I once

Kristen Taekman’s husband Josh was the WORST. Such a stupid, whiny, incompetent “Business Man” who cried about being on a conference call with FIVE other people. I laughed and laughed.