
Our cultural understanding of transgender people continues to advance

Why was Todd Howard on during Microsoft’s slot?


I love the glimpses of the actual set they were working on. These were grand visions even before the computer effects.

I called CVS today to refill my prescription of this, and the pharmacist was like, let me check, that has a market recall on it...

White person with a question: Is this escalation of bad police calls on black people a recent thing? Or has this always happened in quantities like this? I’m thinking it might be partly due to people having phones and social media to better document crap like this—or maybe the current racist climate in the US is

One of the things I loathe most about the warm months is the way earthworms turn to jerky anyway when they dry up on walks after a rainstorm. Asking me to consider that as food—no, absolutely not, I’d try many odd foods but NOT THIS ONE.

They planted these seeds, now they gotta reap their harvest.

You seem remarkably equitable and I appreciate that.

The schadenfreude is palpable.

I may gag.

Ah cheers! Thank you for the clarification. :)

I’m no microbiologist or chemist, so there are a few bits of this process I found confusing. The paper from Cryobiology talks about the brain tissue being vitrified (which I understood to mean that it’s transformed into a solid non-biological substance, like the article described. I’m also not entirely understanding

I imagine Germans are reading this and shaking their heads

Yeah tbh I really liked that twist! It’s such a universal thing for women and POC and queer people, hiding an aspect of yourself online in order to dodge bigotry. That really spoke to me. I was only sad it came so late in the book. I really liked Aetch’s un-hidden self, wish we coulda spent more time with her as she

“...the centering of white males...”

A fuckin LYNCHING scene on an elementary school wall and people are making this about the flag?

Nope I’ve seen it more in India than I have in US restaurants—although in India, you’re more likely to receive fennel seeds with the sugar cubes, like the article mentioned.

I do not believe any of those mold species are dangerous unless you’re immuno-compromised and somehow expose yourself to a massive amount of it.

It’s very different from the book (and a lot more accessible), so probably!