
I read Wicked as a middle schooler and considering that I still don’t quite get what the author was going for as an adult, being a teenager didn’t help with this. The sex scenes in that book are...kind of tepid? and wrapped up in plot points I didn’t understand.

“Los Angeles has a law about the safe storage of weapons; every responsible gun owner needs to take heed.”

Longing for spring. How much longer?

Unfortunately the machines are golden retrievers and oftentimes bad mail will repeatedly wind up coming back. Cross out the barcode printed on the letter—which is what the machine uses to sort stuff, and it should stop coming back.

Here’s a hint. Look at the class of mail. If it has a stamp or a printed meter, it’s first class. If it’s a periodical, it’s second class. First and second class can be forwarded, so if you get those incorrectly, please give ‘em back to your carrier.

Hey now, including Cuomo on this list is an insult to snakes, who are beautiful noodles just doing their best.

So was the box addressed incorrectly, or was it a mistake by the delivery person? Curious minds wish to know.

USPS scanners do have gps, and the location where a parcel is scanned is recorded. Handy for finding lost stuff.

Yikessss. I’m gonna guess a lot of this comes down to local office—each post office has a fair bit of discretion (or not so much) in how they manage things. I’m at a really good office, but I’ve heard horror stories from others.

Yo it looks like a tadpole. How on god’s green earth is that horrifying? Cool article, but horrible headline. How bout showing these fascinating critters some love instead.

Is this going to apply to second run theatres too or no? Article is behind a paycut.

Yes please. My mother has a terrible habit of wanting to tell me something bad in the ‘right’ way, which has caused some issues when she’d hold out on telling me a thing bc I didn’t have cell service or whatever. It’s upsetting shit.

Superglue solidifies on contact with moisture, even humidity in the air. Why on earth is water recommended for skin and glass?

When I started volunteering at a shelter, I learned that for cats at least, neutering is starting to become more of a vasectomy—cut the tubes, but leave the balls intact. That was my first thought as well—how would you know if the surgery had been done or not?

Wait this guy is patrick nelson’s father? I somehow didn’t make that connection. Might sink his chances in the primary, which is a shame.

I delievered one of these today! Couldn’t figure out what the hell ‘ta-ta towel’ was supposed to mean. Being an owner of boobs, the idea never occured to me.

“complaints that Dishonored 1’s women were bland”

Yep, I’m just not sure why she’d put three deeps in a brand new hive. The bees are gonna migrate right to the top and leave the rest of it unused. I’m waiting until most of my frames in the first deep are drawn before even adding a second.

Yeah that was an odd statement. Pollination = yield, not taste

Kinda curious about her apiculture techniques here...