
I know I should be furious with the man for his fossil-fueled agenda, but the only outrage my tired brain can conjure right now is THAT IS NOT HOW COLOR RENDERING WORKS.

he’s made the donor requirement but not the polling threshold for December’s debate. Castro has never been a polling star...

Wasn’t flying, but being bus’d to the terminal in Bangalore after getting off the plane. First the bus driver drove us straight into the path of a taxi’ing airplane. After narrowly avoiding that one, we were waiting in a line of buses at the terminal, on a slight uphill slope. When it came time to move, the bus driver

Job hunting?

I got the second one cheap a few years back for PC, and when I tried it, I had massive difficulties with the controls and combat. I couldn’t keep all the options straight in my brain to really enjoy gameplay.

Yeah unfortunately those life estimates are done based on tests to measure lumen depreciation. The tests also test only the chip itself—not the housing, the electronics, or any other components. The life estimation test is also done with a continuous burn, but in real life, switching the lamps on and off results in

LEDs are super directional; it’s the optics that are going to make the difference. You might be best exploring different sorts of optical configurations available in consumer lamps. Putting your lamp in a fixture that has diffusing optics will also help spread the beam. (Never put an LED lamp into a completely closed

The low dimming capabilities are a tech thing. Most LEDs have a dimming curve where the LED just turns off around 10% power. Companies are thinking that most consumers aren’t going to need very low or precise dimming capabilities. LED fixtures for architecture, theatre, and entertainment usually have better quality

I was a mail carrier back in 2017, and delivered my fair share of these things. I’d bet that the popularity and/or quality has dropped off since then.

One customer on a mail route I carried had something similar to this to deter squirrels. I could hear it from across the block. I finally asked her what it was for (because I had no idea) and she said that people weren’t supposed to hear it, only squirrels.

That hug scene from Force Awakens had me in literal tears. And this time is probably gonna be even better in terms of tear output.

Yo c-sections are hard to recover from! My mother wasn’t allowed to bend over or take stairs for weeks after I was born, and I imagine these restrictions plus the general recovery from surgery makes it so much harder to take care of an infant. Women who get c-sections need extra support, not more shame

There are some species of dinoflagellates that glow blue! They’re not necessarily associated with red tide.

Speaking as a beekeep up North, how would one tell the difference between a European swarm and an Africanized swarm? Feral Africanized colonies are a thing in warm parts of the US, are illegal to keep (which is a bummer bc if done right, they can be great bees), and look identical to European bees (a bit smaller).

Any tips for people with RLS? I don’t want to drive my neighbors crazy by bouncing my legs, but long trips can get exceedingly uncomfortable.

Question—whatever happened to Brandon Porter (doc associated with NXIUM, conducted unapproved unethical “medical” studies on members)? He doesn’t seem to be tied up in this big trial at all, nor do I see his name mentioned in any of the articles. He shouldn’t be allowed to slip away, he’s just as guilty as the rest.

For example, perhaps the bees were perceiving something like “greater surface area” or “less surface area,” or something else the scientists haven’t considered, rather than the quantity of elements.

Just found out today that apparently I am weird. All because I soak my bread heels in balsamic vinegar and then slurp it down like an oyster.

Man I remember that! I think I had a free demo for PC or something...