His entire stated policy for Iraq during his entire presidential campaign was that “We should have gotten the oil; I’m going to get the oil to pay for the war.” And people just yawned. Like, none of this is new.
His entire stated policy for Iraq during his entire presidential campaign was that “We should have gotten the oil; I’m going to get the oil to pay for the war.” And people just yawned. Like, none of this is new.
Apparently, many of them predate Islam altogether. There are archeological sites thousands of years old on the list.
I hope you were able to open and read the 1980 PRESERVATION NEWS article. One interesting fact is that the friezes and art deco metalwork were appraised at $200,000. This was before art deco became a period as valuable as expressionism and the art market rose exponentially (with no relation to the cpi). Those three…
And let’s not forget that the “costly delay” he erroneously cites in the article was due to alleged costs of keeping workmen on extra days.
Cultists Gonna Cult.
Why not? He’s got the same qualifications.
I am convinced there is literally nothing he could do at this point to make his followers reject him.
This. He has not gamed this out, and everyone knows that even while some are trying to pretend on T.V. to be “concerned” about whether he’s gamed this out. He hasn’t. This is totally, 100% his shitty insticts at play and nothing else.
Sounds like you hit the nail on the head. He was a nasty dude, but hadn’t done anything that warranted a droning, and certainly nothing that could possibly justify bombing the Baghdad airport (I’m not certain if there were civilians killed in that bombing, but I have to assume there were). This is all about the…
I’ll be honest I had no idea who this guy was. A VERY surface level scan of a cnn article left me with two general ideas
No clue, but given how the Foreign Office statement below I can’t help but think it’ll be yet another “of course Bush, you know I love you. Signed Tony” situation:
As the resident British politics correspondent--Boris opts out right? Uses a general "we're busy with Brexit" excuse?
I’m at a point where gallows humor is the only thing pushing me through.
Thank God we’re winding up those endless wars, eh?
Wedge salad with Roquefort, the little lady will have the shrimp cocktail, and two more martoonis, brother. (Palm the kid a folded-up five.)
Oh, eff off. This is the steakhouse attempt at a vegetable that built this country. True white trash salads have marshmallows or smashed up ramen noodles in them. You don't even know how much white trash we can get.
1. This was known when the op-ed was published, and plenty of other outlets noted that, because journalism.
Galli had already announced his plans to retire back in October, so the op-ed was basically a big “Fuck you, Trump” note to go out on.
It’s like Lee Atwater admitting to and atoning for his 20 year career of the most evil conservative politics - one month before he died at age 40.