You people wouldn't want to watch TV with me unless you're time shifting. I'm an incessant channel flipper when the ads come on.
You people wouldn't want to watch TV with me unless you're time shifting. I'm an incessant channel flipper when the ads come on.
More than half of those were caused by speeding drivers, and about half involved impatience and stupidity.
Auto fraud and inept driving is so common in Russia that people have cameras out of necessity. You could spend a week straight watching videos of Russian car accidents and not see them all.
That chart means nothing without examining the ownership of each team. Teams with patient owners hire people and let them do their jobs (e.g. Rooney, Kraft) and have long term coaches. Owners who are control freaks, who meddle, who want instant results, who want yes-men (e.g. Jones, Ford-good riddance) have lousy…
Once again, corrupt cop is proven to be a redundancy.
That should read, " a ban _on_ full contact practices".
If SOBan were really concerned about player safety, he would be advocating a ban full contact practices and change the rules on contact during games, such as only the ball carrier can be hit (the same as in hockey and rugby).
] "The original study...has been thoroughly discredited."
The NHL does not need its own Miran Schott.
What is proves is that the fighting "code" in hockey works. Fighting in hockey is disgusting and it needs to end, but it's better than the only-from-behind coward's style of fighting in baseball and basketball.
So that's what Bobby Carpenter's knee looked like. Back in 1991, he fell directly downward, knee onto the ice and shattered his kneecap. He returned to play in the NHL, but he was never the 50 goal man he had been.
I wouldn't doubt that a lot of over-purchasing is by people like myself who never got to play certain games when they were new. Those who aren't "serious gamers" can become so engrossed with one title that others get forgotten.
Sure, why not? A regulation win is worth more than an overtime win, so teams have incentive to finish the game within 60. If teams are guaranteed a point with a regulation tie, there's no incentive to play defensively in overtime. A shootout wouldn't be needed. Better yet, overtime wouldn't need to be sudden death…
First she overacts on the collision, acting like she got punched in the face. Then she goes downcourt and actually does punch the player in the face.
I've got better ideas than a crappy shootout or four-on-four:
Basketball and baseball players would never go for it. Hitting people from behind is the only way they know how to fight. If they were only allowed to challenge someone face to face, for both to see the punches coming and protect themselves, there wouldn't be any fights.
Why would they not name them as co-champions? That's happened before ten times in college football, and there was no "shame" in doing that.
And cue the inevitable assholes who say, "Well, she shouldn't have admitted it."
As per usual, the criticism is directed at the young woman for trying to $60,000 instead of criticizing Duke for ripping off its students with exorbitant tuition fees. Who is really the whore?
The problem with the word "bossy" is that it's used as much as a stereotype or ubiquitous name for cows as Rover is for dogs. Is describing a woman as "bossy" really any different than calling a woman a "bitch"?