Feh. He's just a stick in the mud who's going to be stuck in the mud. If you want to really tick them off, send Putin and Kirill the baby jesus buttplug. Odds are Kirill will start using it on himself or his victims.
Feh. He's just a stick in the mud who's going to be stuck in the mud. If you want to really tick them off, send Putin and Kirill the baby jesus buttplug. Odds are Kirill will start using it on himself or his victims.
She's queer? I thought she was a human being deserving of the same rights and protections that I get.
That picture is only news to people who have never watched rugby before. The players are used to it and know to direct the play away from it, unlike basketball, football or soccer players who would use the medics as a pick to score points.
I don't blame the kids who scream and cry because they don't know better. But I sure as hell blame the parents for not teaching their kids better, for not keeping them under control.
Try living in Asian countries where males (they're not men) do that all the time.
Worse than seat-grabbers are the asshats who passive-aggressively bang into the heads and shoulders of everyperson in the aisle seats. Some of them deliberately carry their bag at waist height and aim for people who don't duck out of the way.
I live in a country with 75% or higher humidity every single day of the year. Switching to thongs wasn't a preference, it was a necessity to reduce sweating.
At $100, someone with a $500 budget could afford to buy it and make alterations and additions, if the buyer didn't want a stock item that looks like everyone else's. I doubt H&M has a written contract with customers preventing that.
No disagreement there. The reason the sex trade exists is the Johns. Nobody would be selling sex if nobody wanted to buy.
You mention hockey and baseball, but not the full story. The NHL and MLB don't just have their own minor leagues and youth development systems, they can draw from foreign countries and leagues. If their minor leagues don't develop players well enough, teams can go elsewhere and get players. It forces coaches, teams…
A bigger fail is the unawareness of the writer. Why is all the focus on the sex trade and prostitution on the sellers, on those paid to perform the sex acts? The sex trade only exists because of the Johns. If there were no buyers, there would be no sellers. If you want to demonize someone, go after the scumbag who…
"Sad irony"? Not in the least. News that the "prosecutor" is a rapist explains a lot, i.e. why the US military protects rapists and punishes those who report rapes. This matches how the brassholes got pissy in 2013 when Chuck Hagel tried to make rape trials a civil court matter.
Those who did that "study" got it backwards, mistaking which was the cause and which was the effect. Women and girls who aren't brainwashed with religion know that being fit and healthy is in their interests. Those who are obedient to cults sit around and end up in the kitchens cooking for abusive husbands.
As with everything in the NCAA, the players can't make a dime off their names, but everyone else is allowed to make millions. A player can't make a single appearance for pay at an event, but his name can make an appearance in computer games which the NCAA gets paid for.
He's exactly where he belongs, isn't he? And now that two families are suing him in wrongful death cases, he'll have nothing left, no money for lawyers and no luxuries. It couldn't have happened to a more deserving scumbag.
The debate begins:
This is the second time Arizona has pulled this stunt, so it clearly hasn't learnt. Take the game away anyway, and not give them one for 20 years. Even better, forcibly move the team to Los Angeles. Two-fer.
Women are "hosts", not human beings?
That explains why Martin is a dick, not a person.
The stupidest yet most mundane thing about this story and the rightwing media is the focus on weight and clothing size instead of health and fitness.
Who goes to a high school reunion, who needs to compare themselves to people they haven't talked to in 10 or 20 years to justify themselves or be smug about others? Anyone who does that is just as sorry a person as the ones who peaked in high school.
You know the stereotype of life-bragging? I heard (third hand,…