Meh, still not worth moving to Iowa for.
Meh, still not worth moving to Iowa for.
I’ve never come across anyone with the same aversion. When people drag an explanation out of me there’s always some creep who has to make the semen comparison. But that’s not it. I don’t like creamy non-sweet things. Mayo, ranch, sour cream, white gravies, aioli, Alfredo sauce, etc. Anything that contains mayo is an…
I’m sorry, but what in the Karen-buggering-a-dead-cat-hell is “Miracle Whip”?
This is me. I have always had this aversion and still can’t even wash a bowl that had mayo on it without gagging. I am fine with cream cheese and I can handle sour cream in exactly two applications (sour cream and french onion dip is ok and there’s this jello mold I make with sour cream in the middle). The rest are…
The absurdities in this article aren’t unfamiliar. Anytime I deign to request a BLT without mayonnaise someone within earshot inevitably tries to diagnose my aversion to spoiled eggs as some sort of mental condition. Believe me, I have no problem with viscous white fluids. I hate mayonnaise because it’s impossibly…
Appropriate name you gave yourself. Almost your entire comment history is defending police killing black people and denying the existence of racism
I think “Defund the Police” needs to be repackaged as “Reimagine Policing” to get the message across that it needs to be re-examined and rebuilt to better serve the BIPOC communities. We need policing for violent criminals, the murderers, rapists, and violent robbers. We don’t need them for quality of life issues or…
I do think there could have been a better phrasing of the demand. The fact that it has to be explained to most people what it actually means makes it easy to use against those of us who agree with central tenets of the idea.
Kind of on a related point, I think that a large reason BLM did so much better this time around was that colleges were out, containing the dumbest issues and messaging to Twitter and Tumblr this time around.
Those campaigns are nowhere near underfunded. It reaches a point where you are only wasting money on ads. Ossoff and Warnock are heavy focused on ground game and GOTV. It takes about 50 Million to make a serious statewide play in Georgia. Both side have amassed well over 100 million each for this fight.
The Dems messaging problem comes from the fact that we are a coalition and not every message is meant to appeal to everybody. Republicans only have to message to bitter, white Evangelicals and even they have managed to screw up messaging to college-educated white women in the suburbs. Whenever you message to a certain…
Agree, in the era of 280 character debates, whoever came up with that slogan really shit the bed. I think anyone that hears ‘defund’ something assumes you mean zero funding (as in defund Planned Parenthood, which actually means cutting all funding to it).
Whoever named it “Defund the Police” killed that baby in the crib. They could have called it Police Budget Reallocation/Reapportionment or literally ANYTHING that did not sound like it completely deprived police of *all* their funding. If we learned anything from Lovecraft Country or even Spirited Away, there is power…
They really need to take a page out of The Lincoln Project and go full Willie-Horton on the Republicans, while at the same time messaging to the Progressive voters that they are fully committed to BLM and the full spectrum of human rights from voting rights to publicly-funded healthcare and education, de-militarized…
Thank you!! I read the article thinking, “people don’t really eat this, right?”. Then ALL of the comments!!! I have never encountered an abomination like this.
“It appears, to my law enforcement brothers and sisters, that the Golden Knights would rather jump on the bandwagon of attacking the police profession rather than waiting for the facts of the event to be brought to light,” wrote Grammas
I really wanted to hate the XFL. The original incarnation was shameless and disgusting, featuring “live look-ins” on the cheerleading squads locker rooms, living firings and a lot of unnecessary violence on the field. I fully expected the reboot to be an even more grotesque version of the first, with forced…
He did the right thing. It may not be what YOU want, but it was the right call.
I can only conclude that the recent articles with recipes that should have died in 1970 and that anti-turkey bullshit porcetta (it’s fine for any day not Tday) are the result of a Russian hacker holding payroll hostage.