Platypus Man

Oh that’s right, it’s been a while since I’ve played the game. I just remember buying everything as soon as I had the option, but maybe the option wasn’t as early as I remembered.

Now playing

I thought the first season was fine. Not great, not terrible. If I didn’t already have Paramount+ for Star Trek, I don’t think I would have bothered, but now that it’s free on YouTube I think fans of the series who are at all curious can check it out. The costumes and CGI aliens and vehicles are well done if nothing

Did anybody actually rent the items from Ravio? I know it was an option, but every time I played A Link Between Worlds I had enough money to buy the items outright as I needed them. Then again, I was an adult when I played it, if I had played it when I was 10 it may have not been the same experience.

I don’t think they mean that the wall-moving ability from A Link Between Worlds was literally a predecessor to Ascend from Tears of the Kingdom, because you’re right, Ascend came from a debug ability, but I can see what they’re saying in retrospect. They both allow you to use the environment (walls and ceilings) as a

“We clearly hate you but we’re at least nominally willing to tolerate you, they’re even worse so how dare you not bow to us??”

Netanyahu, his cronies ruling Israel, and their allies across the world are the main ones who aren’t including Palestinians. Jews in general and even regular Israelis largely are.

Comes off a lot more like “you entitled little shits, we may hate you but they hate you more, how dare you not kowtow to us??” Plus she, along with many others, makes zero distinction between Jews in general and the sovereign state of Israel (which of course is a very intentional tactic on the part of Israel).

I think that when an actor announces their retirement, the assumption going in for every movie is that they won’t be in it - I would be EXTREMELY surprised if Jim Carrey announced his retirement in early 2022 only to reprise his most recent big role two years later. I would put money on them just doing a movie without

Yeah, but I don’t think “the third Sonic the Hedgehog” movie is what he means there. And given the timeframe, I’m sure they probably tried to keep him last year for the third movie before he announced anything publicly.

I doubt it’ll be a straight adaptation of SA2, the previous two movies have been playing pretty fast and loose with existing Sonic lore (and are, IMO, better off for it).

It’s also worth mentioning that Jim Carrey announced last year that he is retiring from acting, so the chances of him returning as Doctor Robotnik are pretty slim. So they need another villain.

Update: I’m playing it now, the dpad and analog stick are both equally usable. ZL and ZR don’t seem to do anything. So outside of the Home button, you should be good to go!

What other consoles would it make sense for? I don’t need a PS5 or Xbox Series to have Bluetooth audio output since they already require televisions to be played, they aren’t portable consoles. The Switch does, which makes sense (though they didn’t at launch, which I have criticized them for previously) and the Steam

I’ve considered it, but a second “just in case” controller isn’t something I can justify with the PS5 and other Black Friday purchases I’ve made.

I got the $500 Spider-Man 2 bundle a couple weeks ago from Walmart, enjoying it a lot so far. I’ll say, though, I really wish that there were an option to buy the controller separately - I’m loving the Dualsense, but if I could have gotten the purple one right off the bat, I 100% would have. I don’t need a second

I just started Spider-Man 2 and I’ve played a few times on my Android phone with a Backbone and... it supports Bluetooth audio perfectly fine. They talk about latency and I guess there probably is some latency, but I’m not playing a rhythm game or whatever that requires no latency so I didn’t notice. Most people

I only just realized yesterday that the Portal doesn’t allow for Bluetooth audio, which just seems insane in 2023.

Right. It’s a thin niche and I gotta imagine most people who would legitimately use it recognize that it’s a luxury are ok waiting for it to come back in stock at $200 rather than the insane $350.

Certainly possible - I’m American but I’ve played a lot more Japanese RPGs (and really, games in general) than American ones, so I’m used to Final Fantasy games (or similar) handing me a bunch of characters whose actions I choose in battle but who aren’t me. Even something like Link in Zelda (whose name is a reference

Gotcha, thanks for your story! That’s kind of how I got into shooters, my buddy wanted me to play Halo with him when we were kids so I did that, but I never really got good at the genre and I rarely play them on my own.