Platypus Man

Super Mario Bros Wonder is a lot of fun and probably it’s the best 2D platformer in the Mario series since 1991, that’s why it’s getting so much praise. DKC is a great series as well, but it and Mario don’t share 100% of the fanbase - for one, DKC is more difficult, but Mario is the bigger series. DKC Returns and

Yeah I tried it with that badge, but it messed up my rhythm and didn’t really help (also, the platforms will probably be gone if you try and jump back up to them because it’s all timed).

I’ve never heard of them (NC). Looks like you can buy them online, but their website lists retail locations and the ones that specify state are all in the midwest.

Best part about Melting Pot is the dessert - the fondue entrees are good, but dipping fruit and marshmallows in melted chocolate is much better.

What’s funny is that Wonder has made me think of Donkey Kong Country Returns multiple times (specifically the silhouetted sunset levels and switching to the background for certain puzzles), maybe they finally figured it out.

I lost about 30 lives on Climb to the Beat and quit with one life left so I wouldn’t get a Game Over, I still haven’t gone back to beat it but I will.

Yeah, to me it feels appropriately difficult. Some levels are going to be too hard for little kids, but none that you have to beat to get through the story. And it’s Mario, I don’t want Mario to be too hard (which sometimes made Super Mario Maker trickier to enjoy since people love making nigh-impossible levels).

I’ve been having a lot of fun with Online mode, playing with strangers. They don’t directly affect me, but sometimes I can help revive someone (or vice versa) or leave my standee there either for revival or as a hint for where a hidden block or some other secret is located. And if I’m all full of items and am about to

If you go back to the first New Super Mario Bros (on the DS), it feels like Nintendo only just realized that people still wanted 2D Mario games and started to scramble about what to give them, mostly just regurgitating the popular aspects of the earlier Mario games into a shiny package. And in my opinion, the NSMB

When I was in elementary school, it was a “thing” to see if you could stand to eat Warheads hard candy

FYI you max out on purple coins at 999, I hit that by the end of the second world (and that was after buying every badge and seed it offered me, plus a ton of standees). So you might need to spend them on something periodically.

Call me old-fashioned but it feels like cheating for me to spend a bunch of lives on a hard level and then just reload my save periodically to keep my stash of 1-ups high. But that’s just me, not judging anyone else.

The way I figure it, if something happens that is so unacceptable that I want some sort of restitution or whatever, rather than taking it upon myself to withold the tip, I’ll ask to see the manager. I’m not the server’s manager, I don’t get paid to do their performance reviews and determine their pay.

These are the people who put out 5 1 dollar bills when the meal starts and make a show of removing one of them every time the server makes a mistake or anything otherwise happens that they don’t like - they love going out and making everyone else their servants. It’s not about the money, it’s about the power.

There are several levels of price when eating out - you don’t go to a luxury steak house and then tell them when they give you the bill that you can’t afford it but you have to eat (and that it’s either eating out or starving because of unique circumstances xyz) so it’s ok. If you can afford a restaurant without a tip

Y’all over here in the replies need to realize it’s a joke. I’m not actually calling anyone a colonizer, I realize these are fictional characters, I’m just continuing the joke from the Black Panther movies. They didn’t track down everyone’s geneology and determine if, in fact, any of their ancestors did any

Miles is, however, zero percent colonizer. Unlike Peter.

No other heroes AFAIK (at least in the first one, I haven’t played the new one) but I don’t think the video game rights are nearly as contentious as in the movies. But they do have references - the Wakandan embassy, Avengers Tower, the Sanctum Santorum, and a few other Marvel places appeared in the first game at least.

The goal of most people playing games is to have fun. If you’re not having fun (or just not enough fun) and there are steps to take that would help you have more fun and (this is important) nobody else is affected by it, do whatever you want.

I’ve heard some people say that the really bad ones are just incorrectly installed but I don’t think that can be true for as often as I see them. I’m in a short car and it seems like every pickup that comes behind me just wants to fry my retinas.