Platypus Man

ATB is still turn-based though. You’re waiting a real-life amount of time for each character’s turn to come around instead of an in-game amount of time, but at the end of the day you’re still watching rows of characters stand at each other until you choose an attack on their turn and they act.

The Link’s Awakening remake art style was great for that game, but I think there’s a lot more charm in this, recreating the original game’s graphics but shinier. It is immediately recognizable to anyone who played the original and I think it looks great.

I have a number of diamonds, but I’ve been reticent to use them in fusion or sell them since I know they’re so rare - I don’t know if I should be saving them up for some armor upgrades or something.

I didn’t see the Cats movie but I loved the play. It’s ridiculous and stupid and over-the-top and has almost no plot to speak of and I 100% get why a lot of people don’t like it, but you’re right.

Biscuits are the top for breakfast sandwiches, but English Muffins are a good #2.

It’s better than Google Trends

NC resident here, I’ve never been a huge fan of Bojangle’s. They’d probably be my #5 fast food breakfast under McDonald’s, Chick-Fil-A, Biscuitville, and Taco Bell (though I usually eat cereal at home so it’s rarely relevant).

Hadn’t really considered it, maybe sometime down the line when I have more money.

Most things creative are created intentionally, including medium. Most books weren’t meant to be screenplays, most plays weren’t meant to be books (though try telling that to high school teachers with Shakespeare), most live action movies weren’t meant to be animated tv series, most anime weren’t meant to be live

I moved last year (first time into a proper house) and I noticed that while there are two hose bibs, they are both on the sides of the house as opposed to the front or back (where I am likely to need them). So in order to make this usable, I had to take one of the side bibs and add a splitter and then get two heavy

Possibly - if they used AI or CGI or anything else to make the “actor of no note” look like Teddy Sears, then they’re absolutely violating likeness rights. But if they found and cast a guy who naturally looks like Sears, I don’t think there’s anything that can be considered illegal.

The thing to remember is that when there’s a breach at PayPal, your actual financial information is still pretty much impossible to get to since that’s their entire business. You can’t always say the same thing about some random website that may or may not save your credit/debit card number in plaintext.

The main ingredient of guac is avocado, which I don’t like. The other ingredients are pretty similar, sure, but the main one makes me not like guac much.

Do you have a bank? Every bank I’ve used lets you transfer money online from your account and it works with the majority of bills I have. Should work off of the same concept as the Walmart one, except you can do it at home or from your phone.

Dark chocolate and arugula could be attributed to being a supertaster (bad name, it really just means bitter foods taste a lot more bitter) but the rest I got nothing. No accounting for taste I guess.

I’ll pick salsa over guac every day of the week - I don’t hate guac (and it’s not because of cilantro on either one) but I just don’t think it’s very good. Not a very strong flavor (while actual avocado is more unpleasant with a kind of “wet paper towel” taste/texture).

Gun to my head I couldn’t tell you what cilantro tastes like. It doesn’t taste like soap to me but unlike tomatoes or onions or peppers the other ingredients associated with salsa or Mexican food in general I just don’t know what it tastes like. For a long time I assumed it was a garnish.

I like FFV, but that’s mostly due to how well they pulled off the Job System. The characters are good but honestly I barely remember the overall story. Certainly wouldn’t be in my top 3 - ascending probably FFX, FFIX, and FFVI (with IV, VII, and possibly XII all still beating V).

There are a few bills I pay through my bank’s online billpay that, due to the recepient not accepting EFT, end up just being paper checks, printed by the bank instead of written by me, that go in the mail regardless. In these cases I’m not really sure what else to do since most of these services don’t allow for

I assume the idea is that these are all designed around integrating with Gmail, rather than something like Outlook or Thunderbird that are designed as traditional email clients that can work with Gmail, though usually by losing features (I don’t know first-hand, I’ve never had a reason to use Gmail with anything other