Platypus Man

Jujubee when she’s told to roll a D100:

I switched from LastPass to BitWarden when LastPass started trying to charge and I haven’t looked back. All the same functionality and I like their blue logo more than LP’s red one.

Gum should not be mixed with candy (for the sake of argument I’m including popsicles as candy), it makes both sides worse. Nothing of value is being lost here.

I’ll say, with both Coulson and Maul, bringing them back ultimately worked because of what it let them do with the characters. Agents of SHIELD was shaky at times in terms of quality but we got to get a lot more out of the Coulson character than we did in the movies and having him there as the centerpiece for this new

I think a distinction should be made between characters who died meaningful deaths and were intended to stay dead but did not for one reason or another (some good, some not, some intended at the time of their death, some retconned years later) versus characters who were obviously coming back. Like, did anyone (even

Exactly - as an updated Crock Pot with pressure cooking, it works great, but the “make an entire meal in your Instant Pot” trend was dumb. I tried it once and it was considerably more difficult and more time-consuming than just using a pot and/or pan for some part while the Instant Pot does the thing it was actually

Fair enough. Up until a year ago I hadn’t had any major pet expenses, just routine checkups and minor issues, so I assumed it wouldn’t be worth it, but since then I’ve been hit with two cancers, bladder surgery, tooth extraction, and a skin issue (all five on different animals, two having since passed away which isn’t

How do y’all feel about pet insurance? I’ve always thought it would cost more than it would be worth (and likely not cover the really big expenses you want it for), but I don’t know if that’s the case across the board.


I mean, obviously yeah, it’s his life and he can live it like he wants. But “I’m going to wear a mask in public” is not healthy behavior.

Sure, and that’s why on another reply I say that he needs therapy - the way to handle this kind of routine insults and abuse from strangers isn’t to retreat back behind the mask, it’s to figure out how to be more self-confident so that when they say something that you know is wrong, it doesn’t bother you.

Obviously I don’t intend to victim-blame and they are the ones who are wrong. But I’m also not able to act like part of what’s going on isn’t his own insecurity - they wouldn’t be able to bother him by making fun of his appearance if it didn’t bother him on its own at least a little.

I guess, I assumed he previously wore a mask because it’s the internet an anonymity comes baked in.

He is a generic-looking young white guy. I wouldn’t think he’d win any beauty contests or get hired as a male model, but neither would most anyone else. He just lacks confidence and is letting the bullies get to him when he shouldn’t.

The same company that made the Spider-man mask, Batman mask, and many other superheroes, made me a mask so that I can be Dream all of the time. Hide my identity, even if public, at McDonalds, or any place I need to go. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart to those that supported me, even though I am ugly.

I’ve lived in several places where the only upside-down plugs are the ones controlled by a switch (typically used for lamps) and in those cases it’s pretty helpful to tell at a glance why, for example, your phone charger isn’t working until you flip a switch. I don’t believe that’s any sort of code, but it’s a nice

I live in NC and the August 2017 eclipse hit something like 90% totality where I lived. It was fun to go outside and see it. However, much of my family made the usually-not-too-long drive to SC to my sister’s house to see it and they described it as miserable - everywhere public was full of people and the drive back

These things usually aren’t worth the effort in my experience. And it’s not like me not engaging means Google has to pay any less, so I’m fine with just not getting $7 (presumably on a hard-to-use Visa gift card after filling out multiple forms).

My issue is less with them and more with the “You Need to Get Yourself to the Nearest Meow Wolf Portal” headline. Like, there are only three and they’re all located pretty close to each other, I’d love to check it out but it’s not really as easy as they’re making it out.

I played Legend of Dragoon, but it’s been a while and I don’t remember when the discs were changed.