Platypus Man

Definitely not my experience, but it probably depends on industry and the specific company. As a software developer I’ve never had to worry about invoicing anything.

Although salaried employees are guaranteed a fixed wage, a salary often comes with expectations that you’ll go “above and beyond” at your job. Depending on your field, this means you might find yourself grinding away well beyond the standard 40-hour work week.

I haven’t watched the video to be sure, but I hope that the person with him in the preview image isn’t actually one of the formerly-blind people. Paying a model or purchasing a stock photo to use for this seems a lot less exploitative than one of the actual patients.

Exactly, like as you said, this image does not scream “selfless charity” to me.

This exactly, well said.

That was legit how I first heard of him.

Let’s be clear, there are a LOT of problems here. The number one problem is that the surgery here (and indeed a lot of surgeries) are not accessible to a lot of people and the number two problem is that even for those who have access to the surgery, a lot of them can’t afford it. Those are big problems and we need

I haven’t heard those complaints about the LA remake, personally I love how it looks but I can see wanting something closer to the original. Honestly I wish we could get remakes of the Oracles games that look the same but since they were developed by Capcom that might not be on the horizon.

Interesting assortment. The 2D games definitely have a lot in common there, so I see why you like them. For me, Twilight Princess, while I liked it, seemed like it was just trying to redo everything Ocarina of Time did, just a decade later. It was good, but if I hadn’t already played OoT I think I would have liked it

Yeah, I think that speaks to Halo’s inventiveness and influence in the genre. For one, the Xbox was the first with modern dual-stick console controls and Halo was the first FPS based around this (that I know of at least), but it also knew it was doing more than just “run from point A to point B of this level and kill

For what it’s worth, I loved the Link’s Awakening remake, but I loved the original (and the DX remake it already had). If you like the original game, you’ll probably like this since that’s about all it is (wrapped up in a very pretty package). On the other hand, if you’re expecting something with depth closer to a

Interesting, but it makes sense if what you were interested in was the 2D style of the first few games.

Admittedly, if this had been the first opportunity to play a multiplayer game I did play back in the day like Mario Kart 64, I probably would have been all over it.

I’m imagining a group of 40 year olds getting together to play Goldeneye like they did in the old days, but quitting after a couple rounds to play something more modern. Nostalgia will only take you so far.

It’s a real shame that we haven’t had a rerelease of the DS version. It’s mostly the same as the original, but its new features would be worth including in a remake or something as well.

The early 3D graphics and lack of modern niceties can make a lot of N64 games rely only on nostalgia, but that’s not to say none of them have anything else to offer. Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time are a lot rougher around the edges than they were in the 90s but there’s still a lot to love, past nostalgia. Though, I do

With the Switch, Nintendo stayed true to the original controller’s layout, which is perfect if you managed to pick up the Switch’s N64 controller (currently sold out), but if you’re playing on Joy-Cons, you might struggle to pick up the controls at first.

Yeah fair. Like, I love Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time to death but to someone who didn’t play them in the 90s it’s harder to recommend. The SNES games, on the other hand, are still great.

Yeah, there are a few Pokemon named after people (in Japan, Abra and Alakazam are named after stage magicians too) and Geller is the only one I’ve heard of caring at all (though admittedly, almost all of them are dead). In pretty much every case, I assume they either don’t care at all or recognize it as the tribute it

I don’t think there was ever a legal ban. He had a lawsuit, but it never actually went to court. So I think to be careful, Nintendo stopped production of the cards (specifically those because there was an “Evil Kadabra” card he especially didn’t like) since they wouldn’t be as big of a deal compared to removing the