Platypus Man

There was a pending lawsuit for 20 years and he did have a case since at the very least the Pokemon was obviously named after him in Japan (even if it wasn’t actually based on him past that). I don’t know if there was anything legally stopping Nintendo from producing the card (of note, Kadabra never left the video

As someone who had an N64 when it was originally released but never played it (didn’t get into shooters until Halo for whatever reason), I gotta wonder how much of the love for this game is pure nostalgia. Because I played for a few minutes and it was real rough (though admittedly part of that is just the controls and

Sometimes I’ll be watching or listening to something made in the UK but it’ll have an American character say like “the group are doing this” and it immediately breaks my immersion.

The NSA or a hacker: “Damn, he’s using a piece of tape to cover up his camera! We can’t see him that way. Good thing he has a microphone on the same laptop, a smartphone with a camera and microphone always in reach, a smartwatch, a couple Alexas, voice control on his tv...”

That is a good deal, but buying three dozen eggs at once for me would mean a lot of eggs in the trash. But if you can use them all, definitely an option.

It was important for us to give players who sought out to be a Dark Witch or Wizard an opportunity to do so

Fair enough, I know it can be used in streaming but I almost never watch it, so my main context was online meetings, which it might not work as well for.

It’s a bigger problem than this kid, this thread started with a bunch of fully-adult athletes displaying similar behavior. I’m painting with a wide brush, sure, but the big problem here is people acting like it’s acceptable and normal in any context.

To be clear, I’m not shocked. I know this happens all the time. And I have them too, I know what it’s like to have a temper and to break a controller. I just think that there is a line past which expressing anger is unacceptable - obviously violence toward others is bad, we all agree there, but I’m just saying the

Right, exactly. I’ve given presentations to groups of people and they say to try and make eye contact with several different people over the course of the entire thing; don’t pick one person and stare at them the whole time, that’s weird. And I feel like this technology is trying to make a one-to-many presentation

Yeah I mean at this point my beef is far less with a teenager who seems to know he messed up and more on the adult men trying to give him a pass.

Yeah, definitely fair, it’s the gold standard. And I’d probably consider Dread to be the second-best 2D Metroid (only a little above Fusion), but it’s hard to beat Super Metroid.

I don’t know, that seems like a pretty niche case in an environment where people already understand how technology works. Like, I’ve had times when talking to someone on camera where I’ll put their window at the top of my screen near the camera so it looks like I’m looking at them, but I also don’t feel bad when I

Not the literal quote, no. Good catch Sherlock. But that’s a common sentiment here, saying that, like athletes, it’s sometimes totally normal and expected to act like this and so it’s not a big deal.

Yeah I started Circle of the Moon and Aria of Sorrow a couple times each, but couldn’t get into them because I didn’t have an easy way to play them (since none of my emulators were convenient day-to-day), so a collection like this was helpful for me.

The thing is, when the person on camera is looking at the camera, that means they aren’t looking at the screen. So if I’m the one presenting and I see everyone in my audience is looking me “in the eyes”, I know they’re not paying attention to me in the video window. If I’m watching someone stream a game, looking at

Right, agreed. And I’m one of the guys who has thrown controllers (and other things) when he lost his temper, I know what it’s like to have to spend your hard-earned money to replace the Playstation controller just because a game made you mad. It’s one aspect of myself I’ve spent most of my life working on, so I know

I think I started Dust years ago, but I stopped for some reason. Can’t remember why anymore, but I should give it another go.

Metroid Dread was good. Very good, especially considering there was a nearly 20 year gap between it and the previous 2D Metroid game. But it wasn’t as good as Super Metroid.