Platypus Man

I’ve always preferred Pepsi-serving places because I don’t like colas in general, but prefer Mtn Dew to anything else. For Coke-serving places, I’m either getting Sprite (which is good, but no better than Sierra Mist or likely Starry, though I haven’t tried the latter) or something fruity. Mello Yello, which you

Agreed! Being frustrated or even angry over losing a high-pressure competitive game makes total sense and I’m not saying he or anyone else shouldn’t feel those emotions. But if the only way you know how to process and express those emotions is by physically throwing and destroying things, there’s a problem that you

Seriously, we’re all apes, we risk angry outbursts when adrenaline is high, but so long as it’s only property that gets hurt (and paid for)... who the heck cares?”

People love being able to put themselves and others into little boxes, they’ve been doing it since the beginning of time (see also: astrology). It doesn’t matter how much or little sense they actually make, people love being able to explain away all their faults with “oh I’m an INTJ” (I don’t know the Myers-Briggs

I didn’t say they weren’t different, I just said that they’re both unacceptable. It obviously would have been worse if someone had been hurt, but I don’t think drawing the line on “was someone else hurt” or “is this likely to hurt someone else in the future” is the right move here (nor is comparing him to a dog). If

You’re holding adult men to lower standards than toddlers. I don’t care what they’ve trained for, throwing equipment in anger should always be unacceptable.

Works too

We agree that there is a line where someone can go too far in showing “visible frustration”, I just think the line is somewhere so that “throwing and destroying your equipment” should be considered unacceptable. He should not be made to feel like this is ok because it isn’t.

I’ve never heard of this guy before this story, I don’t know if he’s done it before. But a lot of people who have a violent temper do keep doing things like this and we as a society really don’t need to normalize it. And it doesn’t have to lead to domestic abuse or murder in order to be bad (though it can), throwing a

My problem here is less with the people doing it (most of whom, myself included, do feel bad about it, as you said) and more with the people shrugging it off. That we have an entire group of people saying “what are you gonna do, this is just how Men act when they play Sports or Games and Lose” is my bigger problem.

I mean that people (usually professional athletes but also professional gamers) keep doing stuff like this (throwing/breaking their equipment in anger) and then getting completely written off as an acceptable thing to do.

That’s exactly my point, we keep looking at idiot man-babies who don’t know how to process their emotions being violent when they lose at a sport and acting like it’s no big deal, like you’re supposed to have a tantrum when things don’t go your way or like there’s no other options here. There’s another way and it’s

Obviously not. For one, bottling up your feelings doesn’t do anything but make them explode more harshly later on (something that happens with pretty much all the Vulcans in Star Trek sooner or later because the viewer is not supposed to think that’s a healthy way to live). But more importantly, it’s not because I

I mean, part of the problem is that we keep ignoring shit like this. Like, is a 19-year-old breaking a controller after losing in a fighting game really important? No, but just as you posted all of those men acting like babies and said “who the heck cares”, we need to stop acting like it’s ok. Competitive, hyped up on

When you have an emotional outburst and it causes “discourse”, then you know there’s a problem somewhere.

It’s all capitalism, babyyy.

It needs a comma after the “tenders)“ to show that that whole section applies to Raising Cane’s. So the part applying to Dave’s would be “Overall, the menu shares a lot of similarities with the Raising Cane’s menu at customizable spice levels.”

Speaking as someone who has lost his temper and thrown things (including controllers), this is what babies do. It’s not complicated but it’s up to those around him and those watching him how they choose to feel about someone acting like a baby. It’s up to him to decide if this behavior is something that he wants to

??? It still works though, like the only reason I use my phone is that it allows for multiple alarms without having to change it every day (and that’s just the alarm, I use the clock nightly). But it fits the bill of what the OP was asking for, 1) works, 2) easy to change the time.

??? It still works though, like the only reason I use my phone is that it allows for multiple alarms without having

I’ve been using the same GE Digital Clock Radio for 20+ years (and my dad used it before that) and it still works great. If you don’t mind the outdated aesthetic, you can get a used one on eBay for pretty cheap. Easy to set, easy to use. Even has batteries you can use for backup in a power outage.

I’ve been using the same GE Digital Clock Radio for 20+ years (and my dad used it before that) and it still works