Platypus Man

You misunderstand me - I’m not saying “I don’t believe in God” (negative atheism); you’re right, that is the neutral position. I’m saying “I believe there is no god” (positive atheism), which requires a belief past what I have evidence for. It is impossible to disprove the existence of God, but I believe this to be

Yeah, like people give the whole “it’s because of free will! God gave us free will so even though he knew we would make mistakes he wanted to give us that gift anyway!” but at some point our “failures”, even considering free will, is partially environmental. Set us up for success, dude!

Oh, I absolutely don’t want to write off anyone else’s spiritual or religious connections or reflection. Like I started off with, you do you. But as I said to someone else, this argument isn’t why I don’t believe in God, I never have and likely never will, it’s just a tangential discussion from an outsider.

I like cereal. I’ve had it most mornings of my life and I intend to keep doing so. I like that it’s easy to make, I like that it’s predictable, and I like that it tastes good. Some cereals are healthier than others, but I don’t think most people who eat cereal in 2022 are under the illusions that almost any of it is

Sure, definitely, but a lot of what is in culture, whether biblical or not, is there to control people. “Refusing to accept God and spending eternity away from Him” means nothing to people who are of a different religion and who are square with their god(s). It means nothing to atheists who don’t believe any of this

Mankind created religion eons ago to explain the things they couldn’t and to give meaning to the things they didn’t understand. So that’s why you had a different god for almost anything you could see, feel, or experience. Bad harvest? Blame the Harvest God. No rain? Pray to the Rain God. Scared of the darkness, where

To be clear: my non-belief in God (or any god) is not because of my afterlife argument or anything else up there. I was raised in an atheist/non-religious household and by the time I learned about religion, none of it made sense to me on a core level and it still doesn’t. And at the point where you don’t believe in

Also, like, God put the “forbidden fruit” there and in reach. And one of his buddies was there to tell them to take it anyway. The whole thing is a rigged test that Adam and Eve were set up to fail.

I don’t think they’re any more true, but this sort of thing is why I’ve always preferred polytheistic religions. Like, there are a lot of gods, some more important and stronger than others, but none perfect and none omnipotent. So when your harvest does well (or your sports team wins), you can thank one god, but when

Here’s my thing - I’m an atheist, but I respect religious people who respect me. Believe what you want to believe, more power to you.

Ah ok, I was picturing like ketchup or the near-unlimited sauces included with Chinese takeout. And then, I guess, that someone would freeze them (despite them being unnecessary to keep cold) because they got so many.

Think of it like putting food in a water bath, like when you defrost a sauce packet by popping it into a mug of hot water.

I played the heck out of my original Pokemon Blue, even after one too many glitch attempts erased my (pretty lengthy) Hall of Fame. No clue where it is now, I assume I gave it away or sold it years ago.

I’m sure that’ll come in time, but I imagine the process involves each state government certifying that the platform works with their systems, displays accurately, and has various security features to make sure it isn’t faked. They probably just haven’t done that with Google yet, plus they might see Android/Google as

“Yes sir Officer, here’s my phone, it has my ID on it. You need it unlocked? Of course sir, here you go! Just pinky promise me you won’t go to any other apps like my text messages or call log or social media”

FYI this is nearly a six-year-old post, I’m less in the market for this since Windows added their own emoji keyboard (win+semicolon) 😉

Wow, I’d love to have 2014 Sadie Sink and 2011 Maisie Williams in this! Now to get a time machine...

There are several other character posters on the original Facebook post as linked in the article.

Fair enough haha.

I’ve never seen a Bennigan’s in person (never lived in their area AFAIK) so when I first saw that South Park episode I assumed they had made the chain up. Was surprised when I found out they didn’t (but not as surprised as when I had the same realization about Casa Bonita).