Platypus Man

At that point that’s probably just McDonald’s. You don’t expect two “identical” burgers to have the same amount of ketchup, do you?

At that point it’s probably just how things are done - every coffee comes filled to the same amount. They also don’t want to have to give customers more without paying more, so asking for no creamer/whatever is like telling the bartender to give you your drink without ice (and you’re not getting additional booze).

Yeah I mean it was never a problem exclusive to McDonald’s, but I think it’s more likely that everyone else had/has the same reasons for serving undrinkably hot coffee. In addition to not wanting refills (which isn’t a problem everywhere) and having people complain if they have to wait or if they think it’s been

I’m no coffee expert, but isn’t the 195-205F figure in reference to brewing temperature, not serving temperature? Like, you gotta let it cool down some before serving it. The real problem is that McDonald’s intentionally kept (and likely still keeps) the coffee at a high temperature to discourage people from getting

I gotta assume that’s for people to have room to add cream and sugar and whatever else.

Yeah I figured it was something like that but I didn’t want to assume.

That’s a great point that I hadn’t considered, though when I had to order the large, they did have the GF pizzas that are the same size as the smalls (though it might would make sense for those to have special pans since the dough is different).

When I was in like elementary and middle school, I got a lot of warnings and cautionary tales about people pressuring me to do drugs when I got older and then that... just never happened. I didn’t socialize enough for anyone to want to bother with me, I guess. One guy when I was in college tried to sell me some weed,

Yeah, I have no moral objection to it, it should at the bare minimum be regulated less harshly than alcohol. And like I said I’m sure I could find it, I live near a major city so I could probably just google it. But it also doesn’t really seem worth it (people also tell me I can acquire a taste for alcohol but that

I gotta be honest, as someone who lives where it’s still illegal and doesn’t have any friends who smoke weed (or at least none who do it at all regularly), it still doesn’t seem to be worth the hassle for me. I’m sure I could do it if I were determined, but like I don’t know who to buy it from or how to find them, let

It’s wild the way Jet’s does it (I don’t know about everyone else). Like, you have three options for Detroit style pizza: 4 corner (aka small), 8 corner, and large. Both an 8 corner and a large are the same amount of pizza as two 4 corners, just presented differently. But I went the other week and they were sold out

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It’s a shame to act like Paul Reubens didn’t have his real cinematic comeback in the 1999 masterpiece Mystery Men

The website claims that it’s determined “by foot traffic”, but I can’t find anything else. It was also started in 2020 and I can’t find methodology on any of the other articles either, so it’s not looking great.

My argument in the “it’s obviously Hamill” camp is that it doesn’t sound like 1992 Batman TAS Joker, it sounds like 70-year-old Mark Hamill doing the same voice. If they were to go with a soundalike, it would probably sound like TAS Joker. Also, unless Hamill were unavailable or unwilling (which, as was mentioned in

I don’t know what to tell you, I have an OLED model dock and I can’t put the Switch in it with the Split Pad Pro on it, it just won’t fit. Maybe that’s because the Switch is the original model, not the OLED model (though it fits fine in the OLED dock without anything connected or with the Joy-cons) or maybe the Split

Haha I guess the lack of the Virtual Console will do that. And the GBA and DS versions were playable for a while together.

I would think “let’s announce it at the big Square-Enix event in September for a December release” but who can say.

I’d be curious to get comparisons more between this and the Split Pad Pro than the regular Joy-Cons - I’ve been using the Split Pad Pro for a while (and it was my only means of playing my Switch for roughly 6 months because of a move) and they’re great. About my only complaint is the lack of motion controls, but I get

I assumed we had hit that point already, with the last Pixel Remaster coming out in February. But maybe they want it to be over a year.

And yet the FF Pixel Remasters still aren’t coming to consoles...