Platypus Man

Yeah exactly, I love a good RPG (especially a good JRPG) but when they take months to get through I’m not usually looking to play two back to back.

A year ago I would have said (and likely did say, if you go through old Kotaku articles) that they just wanted to get all the bugs found and otherwise “done” before going to consoles since that’s fewer platforms to update, but at this point I just don’t see any logic behind it.

Solid list, but I think it’s worth mentioning that Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy V (and FF1-6) actually can’t be played on modern consoles. Mobile and PC, sure, but that’s it. Honestly it’s weird at this point that the Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters haven’t come to consoles yet, it looks like S-E put a lot of work

That’s actually a really good idea. Like, you’ve been able to buy custom color packs online for years now, but an “all red” pack that you see in stores would absolutely sell. It would be a novelty, like for your kid or friend who likes to represent their favorite color. Same as those “Share a Coke with ___” bottles

Harry Potter is especially bad about that, at least That 70s Show and most others start in high school. But those kids knew each other since they were 11 - their relationships would be closer to siblings with everything they went through. And sure, I get maybe trying something out when you’re a horny teenager and

I remember the first couple of seasons basically worked on real time, but the last like 2-3 seasons somehow fit between Thanksgiving and New Years 1979.

My favorite was always when it was cold and Eric offered Donna his jacket and when Jackie hinted to Kelso that she was cold and maybe there was something he could do about it - “Damn Jackie! I can’t control the weather!”

Two terms for the same thing, as I’ve always seen. Same with Complete Edition (though I saw someone else point out that this is bad because it implies that the base game is incomplete, which of course it is but they don’t like to advertise that fact) or Deluxe Edition. Just some way of saying “we want to rerelease

Yeah, for obvious reasons they aren’t bringing Hyde back. But even if he were hypothetically still around, I can’t see late-30s Hyde and Jackie as a thing. But that’s also partially because I have trouble seeing either of them as being functional, healthy adults.

I’ve never played any games in the series, including this one, so I can’t really comment on the specific GOTY claim.

I’m not saying that you should never try to get out of jury duty, but it is worth remembering that if everyone who can get out of it does, the people deciding our court cases consist almost entirely of the dummies who couldn’t figure anything out, which is less than ideal. That said, they should absolutely pay jurors

Jackie and Kelso were always a bit toxic as far as relationships go - she was the hot, self-centered cheerleader and he was the hot, self-centered burnout. They were funny, but mostly for the moments they complained to and about each other - “MICHAEL” and “Damn, Jackie!”.

Isn’t “GOTY Edition” just shorthand now for “we’re bundling the base game in with the DLC we released and maybe some new bits and we’re hoping you’ll either buy it again if you REALLY liked it the first time around or else buy it for the first time because it’s cheaper than doing everything individually”? I never

Learning how to correctly open a Capri Sun pouch is an important rite of passage for kids, I hope they never change it.

Reminder that anything that is only a fine is only against the rules for poor people. Obviously this isn’t big (yet) but I could easily see a case where a rich family lets their kids do whatever they want because $50 in various “unruly child” infractions is nothing to them.

In a perfect world, a sibling is a best friend and an ally.

I had to cancel some travel plans a couple years ago when covid was starting, I never did get some of that money back...

Exactly - you don’t want to blend in and be in the football team or the military or anything else, but it’s gotten to the extreme that if you aren’t doing your own thing all the time, you’re an NPC. “Toxic individuality”?

I’ve never been in the “video games cause violent behavior” and I’m still not, but there is something chilling about these videos. Really it’s just antisocial personalities filtered through the language of gaming, but all I can think with these is “this kid is not far from a school shooting”.

Part of the problem, I think, is that a lot of these people are big on individuality. So when they see someone doing something that they consider boring or blending into the background or commonplace, they think “everyone expresses their individuality... except people like this”. NPCs, to them, are people without