Platypus Man

I’m a software developer, but mostly for stuff like boring accounting software. At one point I had the thought about how great it was that video game developers get their names in the credits at the end of the game and how nice it must be to get that kind of public recognition.

Totally an aside, but what I love about Majora’s Mask is that the game wouldn’t exist if not for reusing Ocarina of Time’s assets and the other restrictions. Like, without the restriction of “make a new Zelda game as fast as you can” and having access to all of Ocarina of Time, they wouldn’t have come up with the

Yeah, I think part of the problem is that there are story sequels and gameplay sequels. Adventure of Link is a story sequel to OG Zelda, but that’s about it. A Link Between Worlds and Link’s Awakening are both sequels of a sort to A Link to the Past, but even though Link’s Awakening is a story sequel, its graphics and

Zelda II picked up the story of the original Zelda from a few years after that game ends, it’s just unclear because 1) almost all of this story is told only in the manuals of both games, so it’s easy to miss and 2) they hadn’t yet established the “new Link in a new setting” precedent, so at the time everyone would

Never heard of them, but it looks like there’s one like 20 minutes away from me so I might have to try them out.

It’s probably more common to put too much than not enough or, probably most unlikely, the exact right amount.

Not my favorite chain for hot subs (that would be Firehouse and almost exclusively the meatball), but they’re on the top for cold subs.

“Mike’s Way” depends on the location, to a degree, I think. I went to one near where I used to work and always got it Mike’s Way - there was oil and vinegar, but in an appropriate amount. It was a really good sandwich without being overpowering. But then I moved and ordered the exact same sandwich from a different

The digital edition is also $20 off, so don’t buy from Amazon if you don’t want to. Also, keep in mind that the PS4 version is $10 cheaper than the PS5 version and has a free upgrade to the PS5 version, so really it’s down to $40 if you don’t mind that.

The digital edition is also $20 off, so don’t buy from Amazon if you don’t want to. Also, keep in mind that the PS4

I feel like if I’m making sure to look at their eyes exactly 70% of the time while listening, I’m probably not putting the ideal amount of effort into actually listening.

People can’t really tell which eye you’re looking at, but if it makes you feel better, a common trick is to look at the bridge of their nose (which also avoids the awkward feeling you may have by looking at their actual eyes).

Haha I just assumed the cheapest ones would be the closest

I mean, fair.

Not everything is something an allergist can detect. Gluten intolerance, for example, can only be tested if you’ve been consistently eating gluten for a few weeks at least and a lot of people who suspect a gluten intolerance may have already cut it out of their diet. That’s part of why that’s so widely claimed, often

I gotta imagine this is close

I’m from NC and any further south than this during the summer is rough.

I’m much more a cat person than a dog person, so my entire experience taking care of dogs in adulthood comes from the last couple of years with a really sweet older dog. So I never had to deal with anyone eating squirrel, good or bad. And the specific instance where the vet recommended I not use pumpkin may be most

Recently spoke to my vet about that, they actually recommended against feeding the dog pumpkin because while it might help with potential constipation, it may also cause diarhhea (which is both bad on its own and may make it harder to diagnose any significant digestive issues. But obviously, like any home remedy, YMMV.

You may be misunderstanding me - I’m saying that to notice the difference, you either have to a) have played a significant number of games where FPS matters (such as competitive shooters, fighters, etc), which I haven’t, b) have watched comparison videos specifically designed to point out the difference (sometimes

Which, I’m sure not coincidentally, are all among my least-played genres. Slow-paced, turn-based JRPGs are some of my favorite games (and I realize that Symphonia is faster than some, but it’s also not like a legit action game).