Platypus Man

If by “most of us” you mean Kotaku readers/commenters or hardcore video game enthusiasts, yeah, you’re probably right. But I’m not sure that holds for the entire potential market for this game. The fact that you even list “stay with my gc version” as an option is significant, most people likely to consider purchasing

Honestly I’m not speaking from firsthand experience, so I don’t know. Probably what it is is that the windshield doesn’t block 100% of the UV light, so with the darkest Transition lenses, it’s still enough to make a difference.

I’ve had “tap to check phone” and “lift to check phone” turned off forever and it still loves to do this. I’ll try “wake screen for notifications” but I won’t hold my breath. I could try turning off the always-on display, but that’s a feature I do really like (and theoretically it shouldn’t be on in my pocket anyway).

I agree with the fabric, it seems to affect mesh pockets more. Also, if you’re sweating (which very well may happen in the same workout shorts), I think that makes it more likely to happen.

One thing to elaborate on the Transitions lenses - they don’t respond to visible light, but rather to ultraviolet light. What that means is that if you’re already filtering out UV light, such as with most car windshields, it can be sunny but they won’t work. A quick check tells me that they do have a variant that

Yeah, we also have the designated basket spots, but no one’s making you use them. Someone might stop you if you’re taking unbagged items in a basket to the door, but so long as you aren’t stealing them I imagine they’ll let you out.

Everywhere I’ve lived (not NJ), there is nothing stopping you from taking the baskets. Like the carts, you can take them to the parking lot to help put things in your car, you’re just expected to return them to the store when you’re done (though, unlike the carts, there isn’t anywhere outside to put the baskets,

I had a similar routine, but covid broke it entirely - for a while, stores near me stopped allowing reusable bags out of infection fears, so I stopped bringing them. Never got into the habit of bringing them again when it became an option again.

It’s been years since I’ve seen tv news or football, I stream everything and don’t follow sports. But they’re also not really comparable content and presumably don’t need to have the same framerates and resolution.

If you put the two next to each other, running at the same time, and asked me if I could tell the difference, I probably could, sure. But if you ask me to play one for an hour and then the other a week later (let alone 18 years later like Tales of Symphonia), I doubt I could tell you which was which. But admittedly

Ignorance is bliss!

I get what you’re saying in this case (and I’m definitely not giving the developers a pass to half-ass it), but it’s also worth mentioning that 60fps has been the standard pretty much forever. Super Mario Bros on the NES ran at 60fps. 30fps was also common, but games didn’t advertise one or the other and I don’t know

Sure, but we aren’t talking about a competitive FPS or fighting game here. Obviously it matters in a “I need to get every advantage I can since my opponent will” situation, but in most cases to most players, I don’t think it matters.

Agreed, so long as the framerate isn’t constantly changing (which I DO notice), lower ones are generally fine. That some people prioritize framerate over other things like you said is crazy to me, but I guess it’s good that the option is given.

I have zero desire to start noticing that, I like being able to enjoy things.

I gotta be honest, I do not and in most cases cannot notice the frame rate difference between 30 and 60fps. I’m not arguing that they shouldn’t try and make it look good, but I also don’t think most people care.

I liked it, but it definitely did not scratch the same itch as a Final Fantasy. I also didn’t get a PS2 until years later and as I recall in 2004 I was mostly subsisting on the GBA, PS1, and emulators.

She spent 70 years as Queen, that’s over 25,000 days when she woke up and did NOT decide to return cultural artifacts from the British Museums to the countries they were stolen from. Or to at least advocate for it. Or to apologize for HER empire’s actions in stealing them. She doesn’t have to have been the one in

The entire article is about the potential interpretations between the name and the death of the Queen, it’s not really about the Zelda game.

I can see the utility of these and I’m glad they taste good, but I don’t expect to buy them (except maybe, as noted in the article, for traveling). I have 6-7 bowls of cereal a week and I’m used to whole milk in them, so I’m probably not the intended market here.