Platypus Man

Japan also got Harvest Moon 64 on NSO.

My guess is it’ll be the same as the second 3DS one, touchscreen or buttons. But they might ditch the touchscreen entirely, I dunno. Admittedly the Switch might be a bit bulky to hold in one hand and play in the other like the 3DS.

My guess from the beginning has just been that it’s easier to update and patch on PC and mobile platforms than it is on consoles, so they wanted to get them “done” on those platforms first. But AFAIK they haven’t had a ton of updates lately so maybe they have other reasoning.

I would have bet you money a year ago that all six Pixel Remasters would be on consoles by holiday 2022 at the absolute latest, that there’s still no word is super weird. Plus, on the Switch especially, it’s weird that I can play FF7-12 (not 11, yeah) but not the six originally released on the NES and SNES.

No one is saying that every British citizen is complicit in every act of the “bloody history of imperialism and colonialism” and no one is acting like those things wouldn’t have still happened without the modern-day monarchy. No one is blaming you personally for all of it or for not overthrowing the monarcy. But it’s

Also worth mentioning is that the theme is composed by Howard Shore, the man who did all the music for the Peter Jackson Lord of the Rings and Hobbit trilogies.

Unfortunately that would probably come off as a ripoff of the Game of Thrones intro, especially with House of the Dragon being a direct competitor.

On the other hand, since it’s looked great every time I’ve seen it, maybe that’s a way of Amazon demonstrating how great their system is, that they would take this risk and pull it off. That said, there’s a large contingent of people hitting the “skip intro” button who won’t even notice.

I mean, the Wii U and emulators still exist, so it’s not like it’s THAT hard, but I assumed Nintendo wanted to make the money.

While I would be happy to see the HD remasters of Wind Waker and Twilight Princess to come to the Switch, I’m also hoping we’ll finally see the Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters on the Switch (and presumably other consoles, but maybe Nintendo gets the announcement since all six games were Nintendo games originally). That

It is frankly absurd that they released Metroid Dread a year ago and there still isn’t any realistic way to play Fusion, the game that came out twenty years ago but the plot that features heavily in the new game. I figured we’d have GBA games on Nintendo Switch Online long ago.

I just bought a new house a few months ago and in the living room is a little alcove for the tv to be mounted, like it has a power cable and an HDMI port that connects to a few feet below (and maybe a coax port, I’m not sure). I haven’t gotten around to doing anything with it, but I’m afraid it might be a little too

Oh I love that idea. Not if they overuse it, but some really timid Pokemon that runs away as soon as you see it, but your Pokemon by itself can get in just fine. Though I don’t think this involves catching, only battling, but maybe they can make an exception for one specific scripted case.

Yeah, I assume there’s a chance that you get a notification like “the Pokemon you sent out fainted and has been returned to your party” and you’ll have to revive it before sending it back out (or not). If it’s actually taking stats into account, I feel like it’ll be less interesting.

I was thinking the Exp Share but you’re right, the Daycare is probably a better comparison (presumably other than breeding but really who knows what they’re getting into).

This doesn’t change how you explore new areas, it’s just a new way to automatically train one Pokemon at a time while you’re doing what you’re doing. Considering the Exp Share has existed since gen 1 and the Daycare since gen 2, both to allow automatic training, it doesn’t feel like this changes much.

No, I know that. I’m saying that with two games called “Pokemon: Let’s Go, Pikachu” and “Pokemon: Let’s Go, Eevee”, a feature that is (AFAIK) entirely unrelated to those games called “Let’s Go” seems confusing.

So is the Let’s Go Pokemon (confusing name tbh) unavailable for other battles? Like if I send my lead Pokemon to some tall grass and then I go in the opposite direction, I assume that means that they won’t be able to partake in any trainer or wild battles that I encounter myself?

Yeah I figured that’s what “beating” it would be - all the tracks. Don’t have to finish first, but gotta finish high enough to keep going.

I will say, the first time I ordered a “real” gordita and it was nothing like the Taco Bell version, I was surprised. Then again, the same thing happened the first time I had onion rings (I thought they’d be more like Funyuns), so maybe that’s a “me” thing.