Must’ve missed that my first time reading it, thanks for pointing it out so I wouldn’t have to reread the entire thing after I clearly made a mistake the first time.
Must’ve missed that my first time reading it, thanks for pointing it out so I wouldn’t have to reread the entire thing after I clearly made a mistake the first time.
In recent years it has risen to fame and, in the process, has inspired a lively discourse about who it belongs to and who can recreate it.
Can confirm, 296 is the number released in North America.
Interesting, I wonder what “beat” is in some of these contexts - like for Mario 64 or Ocarina of Time and a lot of other games I assume it means “beating the story” rather than getting 100%, but when you’re playing every game, that includes a fair amount of games without stories, that don’t really have clear “beat”…
The pipes were already rotating though.
Yeah I assume that the Mii Suit Shop was a trial run for this.
I’ve been playing since before launch (thanks, beta test!) and I say good riddance to the pipes. For the longest time I’ve been tempted to spend 45 rubies on the pipe to get one cool driver and then get 10 like shitty gliders or whatever. Will be much happier to just be able to buy what I want and guarantee I get it,…
I posted it separately, but that’s also why your score takes a penalty when you pay off a loan early. They want to get the expected amount of interest from your car loan and when you paid more than the minimum per month, that makes you a bad debt slave.
Right, and “doesn’t want to deal with” can be anything. Don’t like the race or sexual orientation of the person? “Sorry, I can’t help you with a score like this”.
Reminder that your credit score goes down when you pay off a loan earlier than expected because it is not a measure of how reputable you are to pay off a loan, but rather a measure of how much money they can make by lending to you.
Apologies, I was thinking of Dynamax/Gigantimax, it’s been a while since I played X/Y and I forgot exactly how it worked.
I think at this point only allowing 4 moves isn’t going anywhere. It’s such a core mechanic of the game that it would really break things to lose that. Though, there are situations where you can switch to a different moveset, like with Mega Evolution or Dynamax.
I don’t want to come off as condescending, but the trick to catching the Gold/Silver legendaries wasn’t especially difficult for me to figure out as a kid - the Pokedex shows you where each one is right then, so just stand at the barrier between two routes, going back and forth and checking the Pokedex until they were…
Trying to avoid responsibility, eh? No chance, Walker!
I don’t like coffee, but in the past I’ve been known to enjoy a pumpkin spice chai latte (iced or hot).
Meanwhile, on the Lifehacker of 2007...
Yeah, but if you get 4 or 5 kiosks running at the same time, that will always be faster than 2 or 3 actual employees.
Wait, are you telling me that I can’t blame my shoes on the pain my feet almost immediately get when running? It can’t possibly be that I’m just in bad shape and have never given running a serious attempt in my life.
Exactly, anytime I get the wrong order when I ordered online or some other digital system, the first thing I check is if I did it wrong, which is usually clear as day on the receipt or confirmation email.