In my experience, people who respond to criticism (or anything, really) with a bible verse and zero other context are probably pretty rude, yeah.
In my experience, people who respond to criticism (or anything, really) with a bible verse and zero other context are probably pretty rude, yeah.
I’m glad Keke Palmer is doing well, but if you had asked me a week ago who she was I wouldn’t have been able to tell you more than that the name sounded familiar. I couldn’t have picked her photo out of a lineup and I honestly still can’t, even with it at the top of the page. Zendaya, on the other hand, was in three…
As a recent homeowner, I’ll say to think about your purchases with battery powered outdoor tools like this - it’s really convenient when your leaf blower uses the same battery as your string trimmer, lawnmower, etc. This brand may be cheaper for this one device, but look at their other offerings and determine if…
As a recent homeowner, I’ll say to think about your purchases with battery powered outdoor tools like this - it’s…
I’ve never really seen the utility of a switch like that, but I also got rid of all my audio alerts years ago in favor of vibrate-only so I’m probably not the target audience. My Android phone goes into Do Not Disturb automatically on a time schedule and that paired with the still-present volume buttons seem to handle…
“Fake meat shouldn’t exist in the first place” you have got to be trolling. Can you show me on the doll where fake meat hurt you?
So you’re complaining that it says “Beyond Meat Brand Plant-Based Chicken Nuggets” or whatever? Even though it clearly indicates “plant-based” and doesn’t list “chicken” on its actual ingredients?
Right - and some people know what they’re doing with cooking tofu, but a lot of people who are curious about vegetarian, vegan, or other meatless options don’t know that. It’s a lot easier to make the switch when you can buy a pound or two of Impossible/Beyond “ground beef” and put it in your existing recipes and…
Beyond is a company trying to turn a profit. They’re spending money and resources trying to come up with a fake pepperoni because they hope it will sell. And if they figure it out and it doesn’t sell, oh well, at least they know. I’d rather they recreate every possible meat product and only stock the stores with what…
It’s an Xbox 360 game, but it’s backward compatible on the Xbox One and Series - Hydro Thunder Hurricane. The graphics aren’t top of the line (obviously) but they still hold up pretty well and the speedboat driving gameplay is really fun.
I personally don’t like it just because I’m particular about brands, sizes, etc, but for a lot of people if they need a lot of prepackaged or canned stuff I can get this as being pretty convenient, especially if you’re busy and/or have kids. Some people also hate the crowds of grocery stores, especially when we’re…
The rationale I saw someone give before was “I’m doing the cashier’s job but I’m not being paid for it, so I’m against it in principle”. I was like “you may not be getting paid in money, but if you find self-checkout more convenient and/or faster then it’s not like you’re just working for nothing” and they didn’t care.
I understand why they exist, but I wish that more stores took out the scales in self-checkout. Like, let me bag my items and put them back in the cart in order to make room for more bagging. Or for a large item, give me a handheld scanner and let me scan it without taking it out of the cart. Some stores (especially…
I’ll say, modern money-sharing services like Zelle and Venmo have made it easier than ever to be a couple without shared bank accounts. Much easier than checks, for sure.
Oh it’s definitely not just “two separate rooms with two separate beds to sleep separately in”, you can do loads with an extra bedroom. It’s extra space with a door on it, you can use it for whatever you want. Even if I didn’t prefer sleeping separately, my partner and I are glad for having some extra space. You don’t…
“When thinking of moving in together, consider if a two-bedroom would better suit your need for separation and quality time better than a one-bedroom.”
I would have helped but I don’t know if she would have taken advice from a four-year-old.
Every time I get a new pair of glasses, I tell myself that I’ll actually use the spray and microfiber cloths to clean them, but within a week later I’m always using my t-shirt again. And it’s (generally, usually) totally fine. And honestly, even if there is an increased risk of scratches, the amount of effort I’m…
The trick is not caring about the clippings - you don’t bag them or rake them.
If they live in Japan, they have universal healthcare. Questions like “do you pay for your healthcare or does your employer” only really make sense in the US.
I’ll do ya one better: