Platypus Man

Ice cream cake is overrated. In my experience it’s either too cold and impossible to eat or too warm and a melty mess. Also I feel like ice cream cakes were pretty uncommon when I was growing up, Carvels look to be pretty regional and one were near me.

I’ve considered a gaming tattoo (right now I only have one tattoo and it’s a platypus, this isn’t a joke), but I feel like I’d rather have something like an actual sprite than an artist’s reinterpretation. But maybe I’m also stupid for limiting what I put on my body to what the SNES or Game Boy could display.

One problem I was having a year or so ago that was even stumping the HVAC repair guy was that my filter was clogging up so much, so quickly that the furnace was basically sucking it in and started to overheat in the process. We tried changing the HVAC fan to “auto” and we tried changing to the thinner filters, but

Sure, but if they’re supposed to last 3 months and yours is getting dirty in a week, something is probably going on.

You’re doing a great job of explaining why you don’t like pineapple on pizza (though it sounds like you also don’t like pineapple in general, which probably contributes a lot to this), but why should putting a topping on it that you don’t like make it no longer be pizza? Are there toppings you don’t like that you

I can agree about the name - I don’t mind calling it Hawaiian pizza, but it is definitely inaccurate. If they renamed it Tropical Pizza or something, I’d absolutely still eat it.

Honest question - why does pineapple’s presence make it not pizza to you? Like, ok, you can hate how it tastes, I don’t care, but what is fundamentally different about pineapple compared to any other pizza topping? Are there any other pizza toppings you’re against in the same way?

I didn’t say that it was all boomers, obviously not, but more often than not the people who do the “let me put five one dollar bills on the table to represent your tip and make a show of removing one every time the server does anything you deem incorrect” show or otherwise treat their wait staff like garbage are above

Real talk, I wrote up this whole thing remembering my experiences in 2010 (the last time I had this problem), before those kiosks existed (or at least I hadn’t seen them). I only remembered the kiosks at the very end and threw in the mention as an afterthought, not really caring that it kind of undercuts like 90% of

I can understand needing to simplify the original Gwent app based on multiplayer gameplay, but then why bother releasing this single-player game at all if it’s going to be limited for multiplayer? The whole reason I never bothered playing the other one is that I didn’t want to play against real people. I know it would

Money aside, there’s also the question of enjoying the restaurant experience - do you want to go to a crowded building, wait for a table, and pay a tip for wait staff that you get less out of than your predecessors (cue the Boomers treating every server as their personal slave)? Or would you rather either make food at

I had to look it up - Ali Michael (27 at the time) told Finn Wolfhard (14 at the time) to hit her up in four years.

Maybe, but we love to see accountability for rising movie stars who typically go on to be entitled fuckboys, and this is probably a good way for Schnapp to learn not to violate a woman’s privacy. If a little shit shared my DM slides, I’d probably be pissed too.

I’m unclear why they keep making Gwent games that change how Gwent fundamentally works in The Witcher 3. Like, is there some reason why just keeping the exact same format and game rules won’t work?

The Queen of Naboo is an elected title, she probably isn’t related to any of the earlier queens.

Yeah, part of the problem is that I was doing almost all the sidequests, I barely remember what the actual story even was.

I mean sure, but the chances of that are pretty slim. Also, they may know your address, but I feel like that’s the last place they should go right after stealing your car.

Watch “Alien”

Yeah I saw that, they ditched one of the ranks, right?

Yeah the tutorial was very hand-holdy. I got all the way through the first area (Velen) and part way through the second area (Novigrad) before I got bored and stopped playing. I had seen enough of the story and gameplay to stop feeling like it was going to get much better. The combat especially was very repetitive, it