Platypus Man

Does this include the Portal 2 co-op campaign? Honestly one of the best co-ops I’ve played, honestly it’s been long enough that I may have forgotten enough of it to go through it again.

I made a Beyond Sloppy Joe (with the Beyond ground beef substitute) once and it was pretty good. With all the sauce you can’t tell the difference between that and actual beef.

I had never heard of these jumbo-sized promotional cards, so I assumed that he made them himself. With that assumption and that they clearly let him compete, I was confused since I know that part of the nature of any trading card game is to collect unique, legitimate cards for competition, meaning if that were

I had never heard of these jumbo-sized promotional cards, I couldn’t think of anything other than him making them himself, which (I assume) would not be assumed to be legal.

Thanks for the info it would have made sense to include that detail in the article then.

Interesting detail that should have been included in the article! Thanks!

I’m confused - all his cards are obviously fake, he made the deck himself with whatever cards he wanted, no matter the rarity. Is that not a disqualification right there? Or is that not something that anybody actually cares about in the competitive scene?

I’m an American and I went to London for about a week several years ago as my first real international trip. I had a great time and at one point was asked for directions by a local, which I guess meant I wasn’t sticking out like a sore thumb.

I’ve used MovingHelp (the freelance moving labor company that works with Uhaul) with mostly great results. They just give you a list of local “moving companies” (most of which are just like 3-5 guys who want to make extra cash on the weekends) and their prices per hour depending on how many people you need. The person

The thing that Dog People seem to forget is that no matter how friendly, calm, happy, and sweet your dog is 1) to you and 2) around you, everyone else doesn’t know that. Some people have been bitten by “friendly” dogs before and might not trust your claim and now they have to be anxious about it all day while you

Sorry, yeah I didn’t mean actual, authentic Mexican food, but 99% of the food you see available in 99% of the Mexican restaurants in the US.

I dunno, it pretty much flies right in the face of Shakespeare’s “a rose by any other name would smell as sweet” theory of marketing.

Thats Mexican food in general though and Taco Bell already exists by just throwing random shit together. Crunchwraps? Cheesy Gordita Crunches? Genius. I don’t love this idea but I love that they’re trying.

I’ve hated Cheez-its (and Goldfish) since I was a kid, I’ve never been able to pinpoint why but I just don’t like their flavor or texture. Doritos they are not.

That’s just how a lot of people talk. They aren’t trying to sounds cool, it’s just that “fucking around with Cheez-Its” is the phrase they wanted to use. It’s not fully interchangeable with “messing around” or “screwing around” or “effing around” or whatever else, “fucking around” and “fucking with” and “fucking up”

I would LOVE a Switch version of FTL, but I fully understand that it may not translate all that well to playing with a controller.

I’d always rather “hate” people on the views they choose to have than tolerate people who choose to hate others based on what they are. So often, these views are lessened by being called “political views” as if that makes them trivial, but allowing the truly intolerant to thrive is what will be the end of any free

I still remember the first time I ordered onion rings as a kid - I loved Funyuns and I assumed this would basically be the nicer version of the same thing. Reader, let me tell you that I was wrong.

Obviously the level and type of disagreement matters. When you’re gay and a person who calls themself your friend donates money to charities and political causes that actively discriminate against gay people, it goes past simple disagreement and into “oh I guess you don’t agree with my right to live” territory.

We’re way too forgiving (and forgetful) for a lot of things.