Platypus Man

39% of millennials (ages 18 to 34) said cereal was inconvenient because you have to clean a dish afterward.

There’s also the Woolworth’s lunch counter in Greensboro, NC, site of multiple civil rights sit-ins.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with paying attention to some personal details of the people whom you pay to entertain you. Like, obviously it can go too far but if you find out that an actor (not necessarily Pratt, just making an example) is homophobic or racist or a domestic abuser or donates their money to

It’s absolutely insane that people still blame Star-Lord for the Thanos situation after Endgame showed that it was part of the only way through. I mean, it’s more insane that people would blame Chris Pratt for that, but it’s like they didn’t even watch the movie.

Not surprising, the thing is with Pratt (at least to me) is that even if one thing is false, it’s not the only thing.

Yeah, I’ve felt a lot of codescension from him - similar to that was a thing he did a few years ago that was a bunch of life lessons:

I don’t care if it offends Italians (who does??), if he doesn’t at LEAST say “it’s-a me, Mario” and “let’s-a go”, I will be upset. Though, doing those without the goofy-ass voice might not be worth it.

To me it’s not one, like, big thing, but a thousand little things, most of which don’t look too bad on their own, but come together to kill his whole vibe.

The first time I played KotOR 1 on my Xbox back in the day, it glitched and I somehow got access to a “Galaxy Droid” on my ship (which in 2022 sounds a lot more like a phone). It enabled fast travel to any planet, but also overwrote one of my characters with a duplicate of one of the other characters. I kept trucking

The one downside IMO is that electrics don’t work as well on a wet face, so if you’re someone who is already used to shaving in the shower or after the shower or whatever, it might be inconvenient of you to have to change your routine.

Yeah and I guess they haven’t figured out what 99% of the internet is either.

The wings are fine, like I said to someone else they weren’t as good as Buffalo Wild Wings or various local places but they weren’t bad. I’ve had better and I’ve had worse.

Somebody needs to tell my work about this three-day weekend, happy Juneteenth y’all.

I know what it is, I’m just saying I’ve never heard of anyone in the US referring to it as anything other than “cerebral palsy”. And I know what “spastic” is in reference to muscle spasms, which just lends itself to the idea that it’s not a slur. Most Americans are going to hear “spastic” and think of the nature of

First I’ve ever heard “mong” in my life, for what it’s worth.

I’m too young to have used them that long ago, but in my experience the razor burn wasn’t bad. Not nothing, but not anything I’d notice after I was done shaving. I always used the circular “rotary” style ones, I don’t know if they work better than the more traditional “foil” styles.

Interesting, I don’t know how many times I’ve played the game and looked at the artwork and I never noticed it. Looks like his switches hands in the actual game (probably to just allow them to flip sprites), but all the actual artwork and FMVs show him as left-handed.

I’m willing to give that, due to its size, it is not a nugget. Far too large. But I’d also argue that, due to its shape, it is not a loaf. You gotta cook it in a loaf pan or at least retain the same shape as one.

All nuggets are mish mashes of chicken parts shaped and formed. If it were a single piece of chicken it would be a tender.

I went once, a decade ago, because I was out of town and it was the only place within walking distance that didn’t have a huge wait. The food was fine, for my money I’d rather have Buffalo Wild Wings or a local wing place for the actual wings but they weren’t bad, but the whole atmosphere was awkward.