It could all just be PR/marketing BS, but they do talk about that:
It could all just be PR/marketing BS, but they do talk about that:
Well, these days I have a beard that I have to trim every couple of weeks, I haven’t been clean shaven in years. But when I was, I guess I didn’t really care about how close it was or when I had the appearance of a five o’clock shadow, so the electric was always fine. But yeah, you’ll definitely get a closer shave…
I’m in my 30s and I’ve honestly never seen the need to buy anything like this instead of just using an electric razor.
Honestly I’m suspicious of anyone at any age wanting to go to Hooters in 2022. Like, this isn’t 1983.
I know that there’s a chemical found in Hershey’s chocolate that is also found in vomit, but I’ve never thought it tastes like vomit itself. But I also get it, like it’s not a surprising thing for people to say.
That’s what it would be if you were just storing all of the data on discs, but even that isn’t quite accurate for how PS1 games worked since every disc would need to have the code to actually run the game, so there would be a lot of redundancy.
FF7 in three parts? Or as we called them in the 90s, “discs”.
First found Tony’s a few years ago and I just assumed their advertisement of being “slavery free” was either an ill-advised joke or some sort of exaggeration, but nope. Personally (as someone who can’t take the bitterness of dark chocolate and is already used to Hershey’s) I think it’s great, I just can never find it…
1) Just say “god damn”, nobody (especially God) is fooled by “g-damn”.
At least for me, Hershey’s tastes like Hershey’s - it’s what I ate as a child and even though I’m aware that it doesn’t taste like “good” chocolate, I still enjoy it for what it is. It’s like Taco Bell in that you know what you’re expecting.
The sniff test has never really worked for me - like, obviously if it’s WAY bad you can smell it, but when you’re questioning it in the first place it can be hard to tell, especially if you’ve been using it and there’s some dried milk on the rim or cap that may smell before the rest of it.
Exactly, same. And I’m bad at Smash (I fully understand that to be good at it you need to invest in one or a few characters and really get to know them), but I can play as anyone and have fun. I’m generally so bad with Street Fighter and other traditional fighting games that anyone who at all knows what they’re doing…
Exactly, in Smash (and similar games), I can pick up a new character and already know like 75% how to play as them. I don’t know every move and every combo and every advantage/disadvantage but I know what button to press for different types of attacks.
I appreciate that these exist, but if I’m playing by myself I’m more likely to just pick up a video game (many of which are specifically designed after TTRPGs).
Was it? A lot of people believed that they didn’t need an Avatar anymore, but yet Korra saved all of them multiple times. And she broke her connection with the past Avatars, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be more Avatars, regardless of how the people feel (unless I’m misremembering what was stated there). And…
Yeah, an Aang-focused series that connects to Korra would be cool - Republic City, Tenzin as a child, etc.
On one hand, you’re right that that would be interesting to see (and they probably could pull it off), but I don’t think that would be satisfying, knowing what Elliot Page has gone through to get here. For him it was a far cry from swapping names between seasons and having his character transition during the season not…
Is this specifically “Avatar: The Last Airbender” (as in, specifically Aang’s story as told in the animated series) or will it expand the world? Because honestly I don’t think we need another version of Aang’s story, but I’d be interested to see stuff about previous (and future, after Korra) Avatars.
The thing is, I have never heard of “spastic CP” being used for “cerebral palsy” until this whole thing started, I’ve only ever heard of it being called “cerebral palsy”. The idea that “spaz is slang for spastic” doesn’t mean anything when “spastic” is also not regarded as a bad thing - in my mind, up until this…
I’m not saying no one in the US has ever been offended by it or used it offensively, but I have personally literally never seen or heard anyone use it that way. I’m also in my 30s and my parents never said not to use it, but I also never heard anyone use it against people with cerebral palsy. I’ve also never heard of…