the new craze is those stick figures
the new craze is those stick figures
so you’ve gone to an auto auction for 3 decades and purchased zero autos?
yea I’m beginning to think to hell w/Jalopnik. I rarely come on here anymore with their constant stream of negative articles belittling street culture.
when did the Jalopnik comment section become a Trump versus Lib argument?
income is usually the thread that ties IQ, educational attainment, voting preference, weight & health
you can skip all those steps and go to a good farmer’s market
not really sure if going into someone’s home and arresting them is the best use of police force. if you can’t get drunk at home where TF can you get drunk? (I’m a teetotaler)
The problem isn’t Huckabee. He’s pandering to his base and we know that he’s racist. The problem is Rashad Jennings and Eric Jones. The black folks that go on those programs and give them the cover to say “I’m not racist... would a racist have two black men on his show and share his platform? Nope!”
If a black man goes on FoxNews... they can call him or say to him whatever they like. We need to boycott and discontinue our practice of legitimizing these folks.
the owner spoke at length w/the huffington post
damn you’re good.
article was well written.
sooooo.... you’re saying...... he’s David Beckham 2.0
What I hate most about these stories is that the black person’s name is shared but the white person gets away without repercussion. Someone from DMV should look up their plates and dox them online.
not sure why a white male supporting Trump is surprising. they voted for him at 62%
most people screaming about Doncic forget that beyond Dirk & Porzingis European players haven’t panned out
sheeeiiiiitttttt I have help & I only have 1 kid.
I thought he was the worst actor in BP.
I hope some day black bodies engender the same sympathy as others. I see people crying on the news about these South American babies being separated from their parents but these well meaning folks do not cry when black babies see their parents murdered.
that was confusing as fuck