Just when you think OldBeigeGuy has sunk as low as he could go for a bad pun, Helsinki little lower.
Just when you think OldBeigeGuy has sunk as low as he could go for a bad pun, Helsinki little lower.
A connected white guy who’s going to tell the head white guys which black guy to draft/trade for?
Pet peeve: Why do writers and broadcasters prefer the word “philosophy” over “strategy.” I’m used to it because everyone does it, but philosophy is a tough college course that deals with the world, universe and society. Strategy is deciding whether to throw or run the ball on first down, etc.
someone’s going to come on here to remind us that all of Florida isn’t ‘Florida’
Beat me to it. I was shocked, shocked I say, to hear it was Florida.
Perhaps for the first time ever, Coach Meyer considers his best defense and fails to acknowledge the offense.
Kicking’s brutal. It’s the most nakedly binary aspect of football.
I’m comfortable calling him a probable rapist.
They knew that something like this was out there and that’s why they were hammering the “Upstanding Father of Girls” narrative.
Just like your Idiot in Chief, you are too rock stupid to use the “Salem Witch Trials” as a proper analogy.
Nice to see a Harvard kid finally get a shot.
Nice of the team to let Homeless Conor McGregor answer some questions.
Disrespecting the flag and our troops is getting more creative all the time!
It took him that long to realize he was on the Bills?
no one Vikes that
Cadillac’s diesel programme was silly anyway: no one in Europe wants a Cadillac.
TIL: Cadillac had a diesel program LOL.
Clarence is so black he’s never made any comment before and created that account just to make that comment so... take that with a grain of salt.
Man this article was poorly researched and written.