World's Moistest Jheri Curl

I understand that the writer doesn’t agree with this guy’s viewpoints but to message that many times is harassment.

Madoff was a racist and his “investors” knew it.

it was

they were successful with Kanye. they figure if they can get to the son of a PhD academic and black panther there’s hope for their worldview.

be best


Dude has been affiliated with Nike (Roc a Fella AF1s), Reebok (S. Carter) and now Puma. Happy for him but not sure if this moves the needle. The market has shifted away from clunky basketball shoes to high fashion models. Even NBA players do not wear athletic shoes on their way into the arenas.

besides Sanders... does Trump hire base on looks?

but then there is...... Mike Leach

Marches are useless....

y’all still bringing up Michael Vick?

he did say on twitter if someone kills him its Drake’s fault. Drake, allegedly, sent goons after him

in the USVI we import them from the BVI. not sure how that would work in the US mainland. do you think it’s easy to import from Canada?

Lexus is investing heavily in black films: Black Panther & Superfly.

I appreciate your work.

I applaud you Michael and enjoy ALL of your articles.

Jesus separated people by sex. None of his disciples were women.

Why didn’t she endorse Stacy Abrams? if she wished that Abrams “would win” why not endorse her? Seems rather nonsensical to say that now when given the opportunity she didn’t. What if Evans had won?