“Heard you talkin’ shit.”
“Heard you talkin’ shit.”
To be clear, you are advocating that the police leave a woman with a history of mental illness, brandishing two knives, while extremely agitated, alone with 3 children?
She was unstable, carrying sharp items and had young children with her - deescalating the situation by leaving just puts the kids at risk.
they can’t do that when she has potential victims inside the premise. If they left and she murdered her children they would be responsible.
Good, if the rest of this monsters life is nothing but insults and ridicule it would barely be a fraction of the misery she has caused the children these shit parents let her abuse.
it’s not enough to call her a good one because she hasn’t disowned her either. I know some parents of young adults who are Mormon and they came around in that they still have good relationships with their kids, but they did force a married lesbian couple to break up, so...
Raising a kid in a racist, homophobic, sexist cult doesn’t make a tick in the bad mom column?
See my first thought was is she a “really good mom” if she exposed her kid to the Mormon church in the first place?
Church stops telling people who and how to fuck, people will stop bring their fucking-related issues to church.
The jury was 42% women. Does your definition for “mostly” really mean 50+1?
In my opinion, people should be banned from forcing religion on their kids. Also, everyone should be banned from entering churches and the like until they are 18.
Sure idiot coworker, keep talking about how only Islam has extremist (when nobody asked you in the first place), I mean its perfectly reasonable to murder your own baby for your religion right? Nothing extreme about that!
Does the only female mini up there have protruding nipples and a... crotch flap? Really hoping its just poor resolution on my phone.
thank god these were not a thing when i was in high school
If someone told me he had just shit himself in that picture I would 100% believe it. What is that stance? What is that face? The posture of a Mr. Nazi Poopy Pants, that’s what.
I don’t feel like hurting my brain looking at this nonsense so can you just tell me if there’s a hidden message in the capital letters?
This just proves that is the worst possible response.
Is it really a rifle it has no rifling? or barrel for that matter.
Clever idea but the execution seems a little half assed compared to Rocket and Mantis, but Star-Lord is like quarter assed at best. C’mon dude you can get Star-Lords actual shirt at friggin Hot Topic, a random grey logo shirt and Thriller jacket don’t cut it.
If you are spending $5 on EVOO it’s probably not EVOO, even if it says it on the label.