

Goths are lame.

This idea sounds like a nightmare to stock in stores, assuming retailers even bother to carry the alternatively shaped bottles.

Or if there is enough complaints we can get back to more proper weekend contributions

What is going on with the increase in esports articles? Can we please get some articles about jRPGs, anime or some nice in-depth game analysis like we sometimes got from Doc Burford instead?

In sorry but that sailor moon is just really ugly to me. The anatomy alone, what is up with those heels.

These glitch levels freeze consoles if you open them up in the editor. It doesn’t brick the console or anything. Just makes you have to restart it. So you may have a very good point.

Nah, one can already set it to output the audio to speakers.

I think you are missing the bigger lesson from this story. Tournament level players are CHEATING. I’m sorry but if you are using equipment outside of the factory specifications in a way that isn’t easily accessible to everyone who decides to play then you are cheating. If there is a bug in the game then you deal with

Honestly he probably thinks he is talking about animal doctors.

I’m only disappointed to hear that the star goes some periods of time without being vandalized.

Maybe he meant, “Death in Life” like in rime of the Ancient Mariner?

“Death and life.” In all my many years I have never heard or seen anyone put them in that order. It might be nit picking a weird little instance in a sea of garbled nonsense but it really bothered me and I think it says a lot about how his brain works.

A majority of Americans at some point use illegal drugs, though. “Move somewhere it is already in use” is what rich people do already do. And if you’re referring to weed, that would be out of the country from a federal perspective which isn’t feasible to some of the most vulnerable populations not to mention many sick

“People can’t not do illegal drugs”

This might be an unpopular opinion, and obviously everyone should be arrested and prosecuted equally, and I get that is the point here, but you could also... not do illegal drugs? Wait for it to be legal or if its really that important to you that you would risk ending up in this situation, move somewhere where it

You do realize Super Mario All Stars also contains The Lost Levels? Which actually has quite a cult following itself. Now unless you can see the future (which you can’t), neither of us can actually confirm nor deny the existence of All Stars being on the SNES Classic. And not for nothing, but this is my dream list of

I’m sorry what? I don’t give two figs about this dude or gawker but are you really saying just being in the public eye and being a tool means its ok to spread a private sex tape? So the fappening would be just fine in your book if the women involved were assholes? That’s fucked up.

SO WAIT... if your kids got cut and possibly needed stitches you would call an AMBULANCE? Whhhhhhat?

Okay so I am all for this! If you think it enhances your play time that is great, HOWEVER...