
Just FYI, but he’s also a 9/11 truther. so... there:

“Is there anything the woman can’t do?”

Renew Trial & Error you coward!

I saw it last night. I don’t “love” it, but I definitely like it. There were less than 10 people in that showing though, while American Assassin was packed.

My god she looks like Naomi Watts in that header.

Did you guys seriously share that click-baity Taylor-Swift-releasing-single-on-a-certain-day article on your own home page?

Try my first comment here to see if it works.

Last comment from me before the Kinjapocalypse!

I remembered that movie!! I owned a VCD of that…

What the utterly fvck……

I recently watched The Impossible and St. Vincent back to back. Both are decent movies and she is pretty great in them. and I thought the fact she's been continuously struggling in fringe projects is a fvxking waste of talent.

I felt the previous fake-outs cheapened the impact of Claire finally addressing the audience.

"Do you want food Jenna, DO YOU?!"

Jacqueline specifically mentioned that Julian was getting really busy with all the Yuko uprisings.

"Did that hurt her?"

And I'm back!

Literally posted the same before I read yours!

You know, I thought I couldn't love Tina Fey any more.

We should rank 30 Rock musical moments.

They had Patti LuPone came on and sang one line of "Don't go to bed with a frown" horribly off key. It's all in good fun.