The Culver City location is 4 blocks from my apartment. I've gained 40 pounds since I moved to LA.
The Culver City location is 4 blocks from my apartment. I've gained 40 pounds since I moved to LA.
KFC hasn't even used that recipe in decades. You can still buy the original seasoning from their old premix vendor, who never stopped making it after the corporation switched to a simplified mix.
My biggest problem was that it felt so much like Jarmusch thought he was on new ground with the whole 'world weary vampires' thing, as if he had missed every vampire movie or story released after 1980 or so.
Boy, 'Lost River' sure did suck, didn't it?
i really doubt they'll stretch it all the way through the season - I say 6 episode arc, max. But I ALSO want us to eventually have a scene where 80 different Barry's are at his house in the past at the same time.
If it gets picked up, calling it now - Superian is The Terror in the same way Arthur is The Tick.
Not just any Spider-man, the terrifying CGI one that landed on the Marvel logo at the end of every Muppet Babies episode.
I mean, there's always the paragraph long quote from the site's founder contextualizing the connection, but sure, let's go with that angle.
Right? That was the stand out for me, too.
Correct. Man, that little bass part in the bridge of Big Bang Baby is so fun to play.
if you think neckbeard as an insult is limited to feminists, I've got some bad news about the entirety of the internet.
"So while the show might still have a Donald Trump in Darrell Hammond" Wait, wait, Hammond is still in the cast?! Good lord.
Is zombie mountain even played by Bjornsson? could be anyone, really. I mean, anyone that's huge.
They could always go the comics route, with 'I was miraculously buried under rubble from the battle with enough food and water to survive, like, 6 weeks! what are the chances?!'
Given his own record writing Superman, it could be… OKish?
I mean, he *did* watch video of him in action in BvS. The movie may not show him to be the world's greatest detective, but I totally buy that he could recognise a dude from a video he may have watched again as recently as 30 seconds before that scene takes place.
I wouldn't be so certain - they've only filmed 1.5 episodes so far.
I stood next to him at a Radiohead show in NYC in 2006. He repeatedly tried to kiss Natalie Portman, unsuccessfully.
it's a platform that you don't pay for and that you must explicitly agree not to do certain things on as a condition of use. I know you're trying really hard to contort this into some sort of human rights issue, but it clearly isn't.
" If you start giving businesses the power to say "You can't use our universally accepted form of communication to communicate things that we (as reasonable humans) deem to be awful.", then you're treading on first amendment rights. "