Apparently Milo announced this week that he's retiring from science for a while to do The Descendants full time.
Apparently Milo announced this week that he's retiring from science for a while to do The Descendants full time.
He seems like a genuinely fun guy. Not quite the same level of 'Oh, that was great!' answers as Guttenberg, and learning that he originally went for Holm's part in Big Night - one of the best films of the 90s, and certainly my favorite role of his - made some of his less in depth answer more than worth it.
That's some big pants
Well, yeah, making money from other people's property has a long, long history of being frowned upon in the entertainment business.
Calling anything Malick related 'long awaited' at this point just feels silly, he seems to be getting projects out there before people even know he's working on them. Imagine telling someone *that* a decade ago.
I mean, maybe they'd make an exception for Jones, but that's not at all how becoming Prime Minister works.
I'd say it was pretty definitive, really. I mean, Ned finds his sister in a tower a year after a prince abducts her, guarded by that prince's men, having just given birth to a baby that she warns him would be killed by the guy she was previously betrothed to if he finds out.
JAMES HONG! Forget a whole Academy, just let him pick the winners from now on.
There's added footage of him taking survivors and corpses out of the burning building immediately after. Lois, who has just learned Lex is trying to set him up via another added scene, stands close by and doesn't share this information.
I watched it last night. The added content makes it a more coherent film, but it doesn't stop it from being a fundamentally wrongheaded film.
Two of the scenes actually bring in fairly essential information, leaving their absence in the theatrical one a bit mystifying. A weaker one introduces the idea that Lois…
The Roots hand towels are for on-stage use, and the color specification ain't that hard to understand - a stack of white towels on an amp is highly visible, and the lint from a towel even moreso. Who wants blogs full of photos with their sweat soaked towels super easy to spot in the background, and white fluff in…
Is Abdi going to be completely wasted in a Marvel project now, too?
Which is a shame, since he looked great on the posters and box art.
I *think* it was 3, and then fleshed out in 5 and Freddy's Dead.
Margery did have a plan. So did Ned Stark. but they were both outmaneuvered and died before their plans could be carried out.
Was really all for the kids, though? From her reaction to Tommen's death, I'd say it was always the lie she told herself to cover for her own lust for power, and enjoyment of doing whatever she wanted, as she spotlighted in her 'confessions' to the septa.
This is the one I picked up first (featuring new nightmare freddy!) and I swear it was about a haunted magic eye poster
I picked up one during my first visit to a campus bookstore when i was 11
Nah, in typical Stark 'not playing the long game' fashion, he banished her to the south.
I saw The Neon Demon this weekend, and can't shake the feeling I paid to see an arthouse remake of Showgirls.