I know a bunch of Marvel/DC artists and writers who barely get by. Can’t pay your mortgage with other people’s happiness.
I know a bunch of Marvel/DC artists and writers who barely get by. Can’t pay your mortgage with other people’s happiness.
‘Acknowledging you’re working in an exploitative system bars you from every having thoughts on the working of that system’ is a hell of a take.
Which also very well may have been the first time we actually see a camera in ST, and I don’t think the word ‘camera’ is even said on screen until a S1 Disco episode!
What kills me is that at the time the special was released, I was living 10 miles from Burkittsville, had obviously never heard a word of this supposed local legend, and still bought it, because in my 14 year old mind I couldn’t fathom that the Sci Fi channel would lie to me about it. I remember after it ended wonderin…
I mean Guardians 3 has got to be a Search For Spock homage to reunite past-Gamora with dead Gamora’s soul-stone bound katra, right? It fits the 80s pop-culture themes, after all.
I’ve got a few good friends that have been in, and thankfully exited, his orbit (though I’ve thankfully managed to avoid ever speaking to him myself), and those are all excuses he’s been making to people close to him for years. He’s been running the ‘I’ve changed/I’m working on being more aware’ manipulation on…
They’re magnetic tapes, and they do indeed degrade. Slower at proper climate control and storage.
it was recently added to one of the streaming services (hulu maybe?), which has brought about this sudden interest.
I’m hoping at some point we’ll get a movie that involves the world’s greatest detective doing some, you know, detecting. And that bullet fingerprint scene from the dark knight absolutely doesn’t count.
‘Grumpy Cat, like so many viral pets, began her career on Reddit back when she was still known as Tardar Sauce.’
I mean, prince is playing every instrument on the track and doing backing vocals, so I suspect this is going to be the exact same track with a different lead vocal take on it
She loves Jon, just not as much as she loves being the queen. I feel like however the TV story ends, it’s going to come down to Sam’s lines in the previous episode about Jon giving up his crown to protect the people, and questioning whether she’d make the same choice
Honestly my money is still on Hawkguy inexplicably being the guy who takes Thanos out, as Kevin Feige’s way of thumbing his nose at a decade of ‘hawkeye is useless’ jokes.
When he first announced the archive, and said it would be full episodes, my first thought was ‘holy shit, how did his team secure streaming rights on all of the musical performances?’. Now that this ‘phases’ business has been announced, I’m going to go ahead and guess that his team did not, in fact, gain streaming…
Maybe he was just assuming based on Lincoln not being in the bad place - season 4 twist - abe lincoln never died!
You know, while I don’t love Venturestien, I DO love the Scooby Gang b-plot. But my rewatch skip is another Edlund episode, Look Who’s Coming to State Dinner.
Turner had purchased Hannah Barbara outright in the early 90s, and properties they had no real interest in were the easiest (and cheapest!) to get corporate approval on as they branched into original content.
Is there any better Star Trek casual wear than McCoy’s getup in Search for Spock?
Here’s my take: a lot people are waking up to the idea that Trump is exactly what all the friends and family that have been avoiding them for the past year said he was. For (hopefully) most people, that’d be a bitter pill to swallow, but you do it, and move on.
After the collapse of Cinefamily, Beyond Fest has really stepped up to fill the ‘movies are fun, dammit!’ void in this city, and I thank them for it.