Plastic Soul

I think you missed what the article was saying. In the film, Smith DOES clearly say 'Earth', but here in internetland, the line usually includes' earf', and people swear that's what was in the film. It's sort of like the berenstain/berenstein bears thing. The internet collectively refuses to believe the past actually


nah, america really tries hard to push the idea that you can't hold two citizenships, but there's nothing they can actually do about it. They'll strongly discourage you from holding two passports, but that's about it.

I don't see it that way. She was always this person, she just pretended to be doing all of her evil acts for her children. 10 seconds after her last child's death, she was unburdened from any further pretense. This is who she's always been.

Scenes in this series featuring different characters don't necessarily occur in the order we see them, though

But in their new order, the faith doesn't answer to the crown. letting her leave would set a bad precedent.

The way I see it, there's zero chance that Cersei considered for a second that Tommen might love his wife more than he loved his mother. She probably sees his suicide as a betrayal on *his* part.

My guess - Cercei isn't going to go for burning the whole city, just the Sept, where I assume her trial is to take place, accidentally killing Tommen in the process and probably closing out her whole arc of 'Cersei makes increasingly bad choices with unintended consequences'.

That's a rather diplomatic way to put it.

Y'know, when I was working produce back in my teens, I always wondered who these people were that bought clearly unripe watermelons. Now, I know they were all sculptors.

I feel like it would have been pushed into the 'inarguably good camp' side has they left in the subplot about Bruce Wayne getting amnesia after a blow to the head and forgetting he's Batman through most of the second act.

' but everyone involved in making them has apologized and moved onto bigger and better things' …except Chris O'Donnell.

Even up to that reveal, the movie still acts like it's some sort of comedy- things REALLY fall apart in the third act when it tries to become a serious drama with Charlize Theron screaming a lot while slowly bleeding to death.

And borrowing the chorus melody of a much, much better song.

Oh, of course there were multiple factors, but I'm referring to a specific sort of revisionist who tries to make the insane claim that slavery wasn't the cause at all, but rather it was *entirely* state's rights - ignoring, of course, that the 'right' in this case is the right to own humans as property.

I love that anyone even tries to make the states rights argument, considering slavery is spelled out as the specific reason in the Ordinances of Secession for South Carolina, Mississippi, Georgia and Texas. The mental gymnastics required to reframe the war is one of the most perplexing things I've encountered in my

I use that at least once a week.

Nah, VB won't get a season 10 until around 2037.

'Congrats to @trillballins on becoming a GMA sanctioned meme great'

Mine and everyone I know had theirs go away, too