Plastic Soul

one pair of tickets and one discount code? I've spent thousands and thousands at TM. Odd.

Christ, the amount of makeup being used in that ET clip is almost trump-esque.

likely because it was a rewritten unused script from the Kolchak revival Morgan was on a few years back. I enjoyed it, but the seams were there.

But it was totally OK for Supergirl to be in a relationship with a cursed horse.

Fucking hell, I'd forgotten that his Red Eye character was named 'Jackson Rippner'. JACKSON RIPPNER.

Thanks for not putting Worf on this list.

How old is he supposed to be in the recent films, anyways? We've got a decade between Days and Apocalypse, and he's still living in his mom's basement.

And in that pit, making their television debuts? Young Ian MacKaye and Henry Rollins.

regarding Tommen being quick to turn on his own mother, keep in mind he knows that Cersei arranged for his wife to be locked up in the first place, and has a cousin among his new friends that says he conspired with her to murder his father.

No screeners this season after the fiasco of having the first half of last years episodes online early.

My understanding is that the entire principal cast now have home studios.

…Where things are never rebooted, it just turns out everyone was possessed, a clone, an alien impostor, or a mass hallucination at the time they did the bad thing.

The first one also opened in June. It's tradition!

'You’ll never guess who …' oh come on. Don't do this.

God, this book was terrible.


See it BEFORE The AV Club publishes a review telling you not to!

I can't really see them using Adam Warlock since they sort of gave Vision half of his origin, though.

your opinion is entirely correct. The original ending was Red's 'I hope' as he looks out the bus window.

I recently heard that The Rock's dialogue got uncredited punch ups from both Tarantino AND Aaron Sorkin.