Plastic Soul


oo er missus

You're the hero the AV Club deserves.

It's a B+ for the first four episodes. They didn't send a screener for the full season, that almost never happens.

I skipped this series entirely, anyone feel like doing a quick and dirty full plot summary?

I'm kinda bummed out that it doesn't look like TV's Jesse Quick will be powered by math.


I like that Marvel's 'Street Level' vigilante has at various times been a black man, an angel/golem thing, and an actual goddamn frankenstein zombie.

Minority Report was still on?

Nah, that actually made it to the pilot stage.

Season 3 was a slog, but man I was excited at one point when malcolm told Ollie there was a *sage* in Nanda Parbat that could maybe help with Thea's bloodlust. Then it just turned out to be Katana for some reason?

well, that's sort of what they did. UPN merged with WB to create the CW, which is kinda like a comic book crossover where they fight and become friends at the end!

I'd always hoped that we'd get enough CSI pin offs for one of them to be stuck with 'Squeezebox' as a theme song.

It wasn't me.

I don't think anyone, anywhere, ever aspired to look more like Shaggy.


I didn't see the movie, but I read the novel. Did the film turn into a bond movie in the last act, including an improvised jacket parachute?

I'll say this for Zemo, though - not sure how he got an EMP into and out of his hotel room. Surely there was a storage locker somewhere in Berlin he could have used

Regarding his plan, we know he decrypted hydra files released by Black Widow in Winter Soldier, and we also know that Cap already knew about it, probably through the files he got from Fury at the end of the same film. He knew what happened, he just needed the video to really piss Tony off.

They still used it then, but usually just from the starfield to the end. They also used a different one around that time, with light going through a film strip and lots of dots.