Whatever happened to people being bumped on late night shows? I'm currently wrapping up a rewatch of Larry Sanders, and wonder when it stopped happening constantly. Summers says here he was bumped repeatedly, but these days we seem to know who's on what show two weeks in advance, barring the occasional Obama visit.
the Virgin Connie Swail.
Even though it was very well done, with no uncanny valley issues, I like that the CGI de-aging of RDJ still made my entire screening uncomfortable. Your brain knows that person no longer exists, and tries to fight it.
uh, the caption pretty clearly states that it is, in fact, THE BEST taco bowl.
But we've already had 2 'Superman is an immoral asshole' movies in the last few years.
Superhero outfits in the post-Iron man era are starting to get as predictable as they were after Burton's Batman.
You don't even want to hear about the things Paul Simon was getting up to. DOZENS of bodies left in his wake after Graceland.
That's because you can't see them beyond your psychic vampire firewall.
Ah, the writer of the Salon article back in 2003 beat you to it!
Tina publically accused Byrne of murdering a 10 year old boy as part of a voodoo ritual. Sure, Axl and Slash said a lot of shit about each other over the years, but I don't think there's any coming back from that one.
They've made a few references to him needing 10k+ calories a day. I'm OK with not seeing what that looks like, honestly.
Strangely enough, guess who directed next week's episode of The Flash?
But the characters on LoT are killing people left and right! hell, even the goddamn ATOM shrunk and jumped through a dude's chest a few weeks ago.
One of the most annoying things they do is constantly have either Jackson or Stein injured or separated to avoid the fact that damn near every problem they run into could be solved by Firestorm in seconds. With better writing, this wouldn't be so noticeable, but the writing really hampers this show.
Almost certainly a better Blade Runner sequel than the one we're getting next year.
No self lighting cigarette, but Snake DOES smoke from an easily 30 year old pack of American Spirits he finds sitting behind a rock in a field.
Rip Hunter is unquestionably the worst part of the show, which is a shame, since the character could be fun.
It's no wonder ratings weren't super strong, they were up against The Cosby Show and The Simpsons in 1990. Oof.