Welp. I guess there goes Mark Zuckerberg's evil plan to Logan's Run all of us Facebook users over the age of 35…
It kinda looks like a hipster Indiana Jones to me...hate it!!
Let me get this straight, POC can show anger and express frustration, but only in a way that's palatable to white people? Because of course how white people feel about racism is more important than the feelings of those who experience it. And how exactly are discussions about racism supposed to be inclusive when white…
Solomon Georgio, an L.A.-based comedian, decided to celebrate Martin Luther King Day with a little nonviolent…
That's pretty much exactly what I meant.
Your white feelings have very little to do with this situation and good job making it about YOU. Reverse racism, which you just invoked, or racism against white folk is literally something that does not exist and cannot exist in the USA. Your being bummed out at generalizing of white folk has nothing to do with…
Ah, the tone argument is in full play in your postings. The point that you're not getting is that the message is not being heard, regardless of how it's said. It is NOT the job of the disenfranchised to express their frustrations nicely to the overly franchised.
I wish I could star this comment multiple times.
You know, I don't understand these types of hypotheticals. Especially in this instance, because the article is about black men and black women and their relationship with one another, rather than whether fighting is "okay" or not. The answer to your question can't be yes or no, because the context of the discussion…
What do you mean? She is not on trial - she is a witness. Her ex-husband is trying to twist this into a trial of Ms. Lawson in the court of public opinion, but don't fall for it.
Because little girls read comics too?
Not in Latin script.
That's fine. Did you see when Kristen Wiig dressed up as Michael Jordan for Jimmy Fallon's show? She wore a bald cap, because he's bald. And she wore his jersey. No blackface, everyone still got it. It's painting yourself black that's not cool. Like you said, it's historically been used to make black people into a…