
It's not cockney - the actress is from the north midlands and using her natural accent…

Old Jamaica is easily my favourite soft-drink

This train is a vape train
Oh, this train…

I haven't seen him in anything else, I just assumed because everyone seemed so excited by him

He's going to be annoyed that 'Weedmaster P' has already been taken and used by Jeffrey Rowland

I know Jeffrey Dean Morgan is probably a good actor, but he is horrendous on this. I suppose that's probably a lot to do with the character, but still, his line deliveries are just grating. I admit to, up to this series, being still okay with the series, but this character has just killed any enjoyment I still had

I wouldn't say he's from poverty - the Dursleys are middle-class Little-Englanders who probably read the Daily Mail and vote Tory (but agree with UKIP)

You hate The Beatles?

Nah, this guy has bought into his father's bullshit 100%.

Would have gone for 'Djibouti don't need explaining.'

Hey, don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel.


I kinda get what Stevie is saying - he believes that no-one in an audience should be singled out and "bullied" (big quotation marks there because the Hamilton guys did nothing like bully him) - but he seems to be completely blind to context. It's 'two sides' bollocks: if we berate Trump for getting his audiences to

Whereas in Hamilton they're both wieners, it's just AH is the wiener whose story we follow.

BNP are gone - it's the "English Defence League" if you are a proud racist and UKIP if you are 'not racist but…'


That is some straight-up Cronenbergian imagery. I do hope it wasn't meant to be sexy…

But 'bitch' applied to a guy is basically calling him a woman, which is still pretty sexist (as it implies being a woman is inherently bad).

Yeah, to Costello's credit, he owned up to what a colossal idiot he was to say that and really, genuinely regretted it. It's weird that that story gets stuck to him, when worse acts by other artists are forgotten…

I think the fact it doesn't seem like a twist is a testament to how well-made it is. As lesser film might have had a big "I seeing… the future?" moment, but here it just fits seamlessly in.